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I was grabbed and shoved into the bedroom and I turned furiously "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU FUCKING ASS."

I was shoved onto the bed and the stupid idiot sat "We have to get re married."

"No, just put the stupid hand on the clock and call it done Fred. I want nothing to do with you."

"You have to have a child Hermione."

"I already had three."

"Wow, hostile much?"


Fred's jaw clenched and he stood "I'm making an appointment with a muggle insemination program."

"You do that, but your fucking paying for it."

"No, you'll pay, I'm not the one refusing to have a relationship with their partner."

I took a breath and stood "I'm not the one who won't fuck his own wife."

Fred suddenly moved pushing me back onto the bed and kissing me roughly. I abruptly slapped him and his head shot to the side. His eyes opened and he murmured softly "I would fuck you if I could, but I can't without you slapping me."

"It's part of my anger management plan."

Fred rolled his eyes and I tried to push him off of me "Get off."

"We need to have a child at some point."

"I already had three, as I said."

"And their dead, you killed them."

I shoved Fred off me and started towards the door. He suddenly grabbed my arm and I turned tears running down my face and punched him in the nose. He cried out and I threw open the door, not caring that it hit Fred in the face again as I ran downstairs.

I ran outside and apparated, appearing on the roof of the house. I watched as Fred walked out of the house looking for me, wiping the blood from his face. He looked around and threw up his hands before walking back into the house

I breathed a sigh of relief and laid down closing my eyes and placing a hand on my stomach. Merlin, I wanted a baby, but God be damned if I would have it with Fred. There was suddenly a crack and I sat up pulling out my wand

"Woah!! Hold on!! Don't kill me!!"

Harry gently took the wand from my hand and sat down beside me "Hey, what's the matter?"

"My stupid partner is the problem."

"Who is it?"

I sighed and spoke quietly "Fred."

Harry looked shocked "Fred Weasley? As in Ron's brother?"

I nodded "Correct."

"So why was Fred bleeding?"

"I slapped him around a bit, punched him, and hit him in the face with a door."

Harry looked shocked "So you don't like Fred?"

"No, not really."

"Huh, I'll bet that he's currently swearing up and down that you're going to regret this."

I shook my head adamantly "No, I won't."

Harry smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder looking out on the early morning sky. He smiled a little and spoke softly "Today's going to be a good day..."

I smiled right before spotting someone "Harry, you spoke too soon."

"What? Why?"

"Malfoys here, probably to kiss you and make you pregnant."

Harry stared at me "Mione, for all your reading, you should know how babies are made."

"I think he's a Veela."

"He's not a Veela, that's an idiotic assumption, we went to school with him, we would know if he were a Veela. Plus he's a guy, guys can't get preggo."

I rolled my eyes "Pregnant, not preggo Harry."

He made a face at me before turning to watch as Draco came up and knocked on the door. The door didn't open and I leaned over the side of the roof hissing quietly


His head shot up and he frowned before apparating on top of the building "Hermione, What are you doing up here? Leaning over the roof?"

"Hey, I'm hiding from Fred."

"Weasley? I thought you loved the Weasley just like Potter does."

"Are you Harry's mate?"

Draco stared at me in shock "What?"

"Are you Harry's mate?"

"I far as I know to men can't have children, therefore no."

"You're a Veela though."

Harry spoke softly his cheeks pink in embarrassment "Hermione, stop it."

Draco gasped surprised and pitched forwards almost falling off the roof. If it wasn't for Harry grabbing his waist he would most certainly be a pancake. Draco fell back on top of Harry and I smirked as his cheeks went red

"You can stop holding me Potter."

Harry let go blushing "I'm sorry."

I smirked "No your not."

Harry went a brighter red and Draco glared at me "Stop it Granger..."

I smirked walking over to Harry and kissed him quickly

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now