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I heard sniffing and I opened the door bringing in the food and placing it the counter before walking into the living room. Ginny sat on the couch in tears...yet again, or still? I sighed and sat down wrapping my arms around her "Gin, it's been what? Almost a month?"

She cried harder and I sighed...I'm terrible at this...

I whispered softly "Listen, you have no choice Gin, you've gotta marry Dean Thomas. This isn't you, you have permission to cry over this for five more minutes and then I want you to stop and go back to being my kick ass sister, I need more groomsmen."

"I'm a girl."

"And? You're my sister, Hermione's not getting you as her maid of honour."

Ginny froze and then looked up stunned "Miones with you?"

I smiled looking down as I felt the blood rush to my face "Yeah, long story short Ron's pissed, just got back from St. Mungos a few hours ago, and I'm marrying the love of my life."

"Why was he in St. Mungos?"

"Me and George beat him up after he punched me."

I glanced up and laughed as I saw Ginny staring at me with her mouth open. She snapped her mouth shut and shoved me "Why didn't you tell me!!"

"I just did!!"

We laughed and then Ginny spoke softly "I have one question..."

"I figured you have a lot more than one."

"Let me finish, I have one more question about Harry."


"Who's he paired with?"

"Draco Malfoy."


I grabbed her hand and made her sit back down "Neither of them really have a choice. Mione talks in her sleep, Malfoy is a Veela. His mate is Harry, now thanks to the laws of the Veela council that makes them as good as married. Harry will have to go to the Veela council and get changed."


"Ok so Narcissa was completely human, Lucius is the 'real' Veela, but the Veela council has found some way to make humans AKA Veela mates, part Veela, therefore in the next generations the Veelas don't weaken and turn fully human in the end."

"That's cool."

"I know, but that means Harry will be the center of attention yet again."

"He hates that."

I rubbed her fingers gently and after a few minutes spoke "Come on, it's time to get you back to Hogwarts so you can stop being a lump."


"You look like one, and Gryffindor needs their chaser back. You're winning that quidditch cup for us right?"

"Yes Fred."

I laughed and pulled her off the couch "I want you back by Monday, got it?"

She nodded and I kissed her cheek "Now I'm going to see George, he should be at the shop!!"

"Love you Fred!!"

"You'd better!!"

I quickly ran out to the end of the driveway, spotting Hermione. I grabbed her waist and she shrieked making me laugh "Hey."

She tried to hit me "FRED WEASLEY!!"

I kissed her quickly holding her hands so she couldn't smack me "Ginny's in the guest house, she's probably crying her eyes out again. I'm not great with helping with feelings. Anyways I'm going to the shop to see George. I'll see you later, love you."

I kissed her again before stepping back and apparating. I appeared in the back room of the shop and grinned as I saw George. I threw my arms around George and kissed his cheek "She kissed me."

George laughed "What?"

"She kissed me, I didn't make her, she came and kissed me!! We might actually survive this!!"

George grinned at me over his shoulders "That's awesome."

"I know...what are you doing?"

"Skiving Snackboxes, we're almost out of all of them, want to actually do some work now? Help a fellow out instead of fawning over Granger?"

I glared at him and he snickered "I'm doing the Fever Fudge."

I smiled as I turned away grabbing a few supplies "I'll get started on the Fainting Fancies."

"Triple the batch Freddie."

I turned and looked at him confused "The school rush is over, why do we need so many?"

"I've cleared out the flat, we're going to use it for storage, for extra amounts of products. I'm moving back to the Burrow while mum and dad are away."

"And when they come back?"

"By then I'll have found a house or something, Merlin knows we have enough money right now."

I grinned "Not that we're going to tell anyone, I don't want spoiled kids. Did you get the list of places we're donating to?"

"Yup, mostly orphanages for the kids of the people that died in the war. Those kids will have awesome places to live no matter if they don't get adopted."

I smiled and stood across from him, knowing there was something he wasn't telling me. I sent down my cauldron and glanced up with a smirk. George sighed before murmuring quietly "I want to adopt."

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now