11. What a blessed day

Start from the beginning

The sky begun to colour a bit. It was nearing sunset and the two were in the perfect position to watch the sun disappear behind the horizon. Aziraphale glanced down at the demons hand, which laid calmly beside his leg. Then the angel slowly lifted his hand and gently touched the back of Crowley's hand with a few fingers, stroking it ever so slightly. Crowley glanced down at the angel with a curious glance and saw Aziraphale's carefully asking eyes look back at him. Crowley showed him a tiny reassuring smile and turned the palm of his hand up. Aziraphale answered gladly by intertwining their fingers and slowly gripping the demons hand to hold it. They sat like this, peacefully watching the sun.
"You don't see sunsets like this in London." said Crowley after a little while, breaking the silence. "It has been quite some time since I have seen a proper one like this. Perhaps even a hundred years.
Aziraphale nodded. "Yes, it is the same for me. They are such lovely. I forgot how beautiful it could be."
"S' because there are so much cities and stuff now. It's busy everywhere so you don't have the time for little things like this." murmured Crowley.

"Yes, that is right. Sometimes I wonder if humans are aware of how much they destroy the world and actually like actively destroying the only place they can live on.", sighed Aziraphale.
"Some do. Is also demons work though. Because of the war 'n stuff. The more the earth was already destroyed, the less they had to care about all the stuff they would break."
Aziraphale shivered. "That is horrible. Luckily we see there is also good in the world and people aware of what is going on. Samantha is our newest evidence. I think she can go a long way."
"Especially with a little of out help she will. Finally I don't have to tail onto a dictator's ass anymore. Finally I can be the neutral influencer I've always liked to be."
"I am very glad we can finally do what we have always wanted my dear boy. Thank you for showing me the way."
"Ngk... Angel stop thanking me. You started it yourself too, by giving away your sword for a start."
"Ah, yes. I guess so."
"I know so.", answered Crowley and then there was a pause as they both watched the sun set in the sea and observed the first stars popping up. There were a lot of colours in the sky. A beautiful perfect evening.
Aziraphale glanced up at the stars. "What wonderful things, aren't they?"
"Oh for sure. I've always loved watching the stars. Feels homey somehow."
"You still need to take me to Alpha Centauri one day."
Crowley glanced at Aziraphale. "You want to go there?" he asked and sounded surprised.
Aziraphale nodded. "Yes of course I do. If you make a fuzz about it surely must be wonderful."
"Well... It is, but I think all stars are worth the fuzz. Sirius, Aldebaran, Wega, Arcturus, Rigus. All of them." Crowley explained while pointing at the stars and summing them up.
"You know an awful lot about stars dear. It impresses me."
"I just feel like it has a bit of a bond to me. I wonder if humans will be ready to explore the universe soon. I wonder what they'll find too. It has been over 6500 years since the stars have been created. Surely it will house planets which have some sort of life on it by now, don't you think?" wondered Crowley.
"Ah yes, surely there must have. I think I don't really have to go to space, though. I love it here on earth, with you. But as a trip I wouldn't mind. Especially because you are so interested in it all. How did you get your interest in stars anyway?"
Crowley shrugged. "Oh well... I've eh... been there creating em." he said as casually as possible.
Aziraphale blinked. "Creating them? You have been in space? How much did you create? Surely just a few, we angels don't really get to do that."
"Nearly half of em." muttered Crowley nearly inaudible and he glanced away.

Aziraphale fell silent now. He had to take some time to understand what Crowley had just said. Then he started, careful. "But my dear boy... The stars have been created by just two angels creating alongside god." he said slowly. "Those two were Gabriel and Raphael." he continued and now looked at Crowley. "You cannot be suggesting..." he started but stopped, not knowing how to continue that sentence.

Crowley avoided Aziraphale's gaze and he slowly pulled his hand away to fold them together.
"Are you... Raphael?" asked Aziraphale slowly, questioning.
"Was", croaked Crowley softly.

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