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I can’t believe this. I’m actually leaving tomorrow.

I zip my bag and go to bed and I think how lucky I am. My school’s principal chose me to go to Australia on a school project. Of course, I wasn’t going alone, and I had to stay in someone’s house for 2 months, but I’m sure it was going to be fun.


My mom came in my room to see if I had everything. She was crying but, just like she was used to, she pretended she was fine.
    -Mom, please don’t cry.
    -I’m not crying honey. It’s just- it’s 2 months, that’s really a long time. I’m going to miss you.

    -I know mom, I’m going to miss you too.

I tried not to cry, I knew it would make her cry even more. I noticed more tears running down her face, but she continued.
    -Now go to bed, you need to rest so that you can wake up early tomorrow or you’ll miss your flight. Good night honey.

I went to bed, closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.


I woke up with the awful sound of my alarm clock, but this time I didn’t get annoyed by it. Maybe it’s because I was excited to go to a different continent, a different world for me. Obviously, I was sad, I was going to miss my family, but I knew this was something that I would remember forever.
I hugged my mom and my older brother, said goodbye, picked my bags and left. While drying my tears with my own sleeves, I left for the airport.

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