tweekxclyde giggles

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Clyde pov

tweek starts to giggle. he keeps doing this. its cute but a little annoying and he knows this. he wont even tell me what hes giggling about. he just says it's surprise. i asked Craig since their best friends and he just said the same thing. token as well. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i need to find out whats going on!! i turn to tweek and put my hands on his shoulders.

"tweek! tell me whats going through your head! and stop giggling! its annoyingly cute!"

he just giggles and kiss my cheek making me pout. he grabs my hand and pulls me along with him. he leads me to a door.he motions to the door. then realizing something he puts one of his small hands over my eyes. i close my eyes guessing its what he wants me to do.

"close your eyes" tweek says making me chuckle.

i hear the turn of the door and a creeeeeeeeek. "open your eyes " tweek mutters. the room is dark. tweek suddenly disappears into the room. i walk in. the lights turn on. people jump out.

" surprise!!!!!!!!!" 

i grin forms on my face. arms wrap around my waist. my grin widens. streamers are hung on the wall and balloons are every where. i laugh when Kenny threatens to stand on a balloon and Kyle squeaks grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the balloon.

"happy birthday Clyde" tweek whispers and i turn around and kiss him.

i look to everyone else.

"thanks everybody!!! i think i forgot my own birthday!" i say laughing and the party starts.


that was terrible.  couldn't think of anything. i need ideas, NO SMUT THOUGH. please give me some ideas. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR OVER 6000 READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS SO AMAZING! I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV YOU SO MUCH! {sprry its so short}

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