Bendy you talk too much

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Bebes pov

Me Wendy and red are walking home from the mall. red and I are both silent as Wendy rambles on about stuff like 'I was so right about Stan,' or 'you guys were right Kyle is way cuter then Stan' and finally 'did you notice how much weight cartman has lost!?'

Jesus this girl can talk more then me now that she's broken up with Stan. it's weird because me and red used to talk all the time and Wendy could never got a chance to say anything. this time it's the other way around. sure it's good for her to be more talkative and not quiet 24/7. I roll my eyes as she starts to talk about how telltale better make a season 3 for TWD video game. she loves that game and the show. we turn a corner and reds house comes into view.

"Bye guys! thanks for letting me come to the mall with you!" she shouts as she starts running down the street to her house.

Wendy turns to me as it starts to snow. she smiles and looks up at the sky. she sticks her tongue out cutely and catches a snowflake in her tongue. I smile and chuckle at how cute she is. yes I have a crush on my best friend. I now know how Kyle feels. having a crush I his best friend. what I don't know is how Kyle told Stan how he felt and their together now.

"Wanna go to my place since it's closer?" Wendy asks tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah sure. race ya!!" I shout and set of in a sprint in the direction of Wendy's house.

"BEBE! NO FAIR! YOU DO ACROSS COUNTRY! I DON'T RUN!" She yells as she chases after me.

By the time she's here panting and walking I'm already sitting on her front door step on my phone searching tumblr on the skylox tag. me and Wendy ship it like its life. she pouts and sits next to me on the door step. she looks at my phone fangirls and starts to blab on about skylox and her otp. i sigh and lean on the door. she looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"carry on." i mutter sarcastically she takes it seriously ad carries on blabbing. i click on the search bar and decide to creep Wendy out a little. i type in 'BEN drowned' blood creeps Wendy the fuck out so i look for a realistic picture of BEN with the black eyes and red pupils. i continue to scroll down until i find a perfect picture of BEN with blood pouring out of his eyes and smirk. i cut her off right before she can talk about phan. {please say you know what phan is. if not its danxphil} i click on the picture and firs save it too my pictures then i put it on full screen.

"Wendy what do you think of this?" i ask showing her the beauty that is BEN drowned. she screams and covers her eyes

"bebe! what is that?! its scary stop it! take it away!" she yells covering her eyes cutely. i roll my eyes.

"its BEN! hes cute! {true BEN fan art is adorable!}" i say taking the photo away from her.

"hes not! hes scary!" she says and tells me about how she hates blood and i know it.

i mentally sigh. i need to shut her up somehow. whats something i could do? maybe i could... no. she'll hate me. but it will shut her up i know that for sure. whatever I'm going for it. YOLO!!! {I'm sorry but in my defense I'm listening to creepypastas while typing this so I'm very creeped out and I'm too lazy to delete that} i grab her wrists and she looks at me confused.

"what are you..." i cut her off by kissing her, a sweet simple kiss. its gonna shut her up. she doesn't move and she doesn't say anything.i pull away and smirk.

"you talk too much," i say and get up walking away from her to look behind my shoulder to see her touching her lips with her fingertips and a bright red blush on her cheeks. at least it shut her up right?


sup nerdz? this is my first time typing up a oneshot on my laptop... ughhh I'm so used to using my thumbs on my iPhone! but the chargers fucked so that means less update even though I'm going to try my best... my mum cannot find out about this Jesus i need to be sneaky anyway cya later NERDZ!!

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