Dear crimson

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Dear diary,

I put my pen down and stare at the page. dear dairy sounds so... I hate this word but boring. I want to name this book. like Anne frank did. god I love her. I read her diary and it made me cry. I wouldn't name the book kitty. way too girly for me. I flip the book over and study the cover. names were never my strong point. maybe the cover will give me an idea. it's a dark crimson red book with a lock on in the shape of a heart.

Im not naming the book red. Not heart either. crimson...hmm I like the sound of that. I pick up my Biro and scribble out the words 'dear diary'. ink splats on the page but I leave it. I like messy. it's just who I am.

Dear crimson,

I've never wrote in a diary before, I got this for my 15 birthday. it's August. summer holidays. school starts in a week. my birthday was on the 29th. It's the 31st today.

I'm going to start year 11. im the youngest in my year. Year 11 the pressuring year. not just because of GCSE's. everyone expects you to be hot or sexy if your a girl. if your not those the boys don't want you. the bad thing is there's 2 things your expected to do.

1. Party. everyone loves to party in my year. I don't mind it. my parents do though. my parents want you to be the best at maths, english, science. not getting drunk, dancing, and throwing parties.

2. Sex. everyone thinks that your a virgin at age 15. Nope not me. my parents are strict as fuck about relationships. their both really religious. we're a Jewish family but I ignore most of the rules and pretend we're not. see isn't going to be easy for me either because I'm a

I put down my pen and lean back in my chair. do I want to write that I'm a.... lesbian? my mum or dad could read this then I'd be screwed.

they don't know I'm a lesbian and they would disown me I they did. turning the book over again I observe the lock. mum couldn't brake that lock. hopefully my little brother won't be able to either.

I close crimson and lock her. I put her on my shelf in between The Lord of the the rings and the fault in our stars. I then pick out my favorite DVD from the shelf. it's mean girls. I love it so much. I put it into the tv and sit on my bed. I grab a magazine from my bedside table and flip through it. Zoe my best mate got it for me and said I should check out the teen problems page. precisely page 24. I flick to it and read the title. 'My coming out story. By Rebecca George.' good for you Rebecca.

I read the story and half way through I start to tear up. How can people be so.... mean? again another word I hate. it's a stupid word that can't even describe what the people are treating her like. I don't want to read on. Girls are bulling her because she was looking at another girls boobs in the changing room. bitches. I've had similar problems in the girls changing room. thankfully only Zoe noticed and she already knows I'm lesbian. whatever schools not started yet so I don have anything to worry about. I shut if my light and turn off the tv. I soon fall asleep.


Did anyone like that? I'll make it into a book if someone likes it. I really want to write it. it's a girlxgirl though so be warned for yuri. but whatever. cya later NERDZ!

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