A second chance crenny

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Kennys pov

I feel empty me and my boyfriend broke up a about 2 months ago and I'm still upset about it. yeah I might be a whore but Craig my last boyfriend was the one person that I've been with that I actually loved and wanted to be with. we could be screwing around getting in trouble at school and with the cops once or twice but we could also be cuddled up on the sofa watching movies or asleep curled up to together and even doing really romantic things together if we wanted too.

Our relationship ended on a stupid fucking lie that came out of Clyde fucking Donavon's mouth. he had the hots for Craig and told Craig that I cheated on him with tammy the slut in the year above that I dated once.

Craig being Craig who hasn't been loved before apart from his little sister believed Clyde and we got into an argument with him dumping me and never speaking to me since.

I kick a stray can that's on the floor as I walk to the bus stop were Stan and Kyle are there making out as always. I walk up and just lean against the bus sign until cartman arrives.

"Jesus get a fucking room gay wads" cartman said earning a glare from Kyle and him to shut his mouth. I sigh and see Craig and tweek walking to school as usual. they both walk to school since they lived next door and tweek hated taking the bus because he hated too much noise. Craig looks over here as tweek talking and his deep blue eyes lock with mine for a second before he looks away and continues talking to tweek.

"Dude did you tell him the truth? I mean the real truth why you weren't there that night?" Kyle whispers to me u shake my head

"Kyle he can never know what I was going through that night I don't want him to worry about me, he has enough to worry about" I whisper sadly Kyle puts his arm around me "dude tell him the truth you know he misses you, Clyde has asked him out he refused tweek asked him out he refused and told tweek he wasn't over you"

"He did?" I asked lighting up a little Kyle nodded and pushed me foreword a little "dude there only over there go catch up with them and send tweek over here so you can speak to Craig in private"

Kyle was right I sighed and ran up to Craig and tweek when I caught up with them I was breathing heavily tweek stopped and Craig was going to walk forward but tweek grabbed his arm strangely stopping him from walking anymore.

"Tweek Kyle wants to speak with you at the bus stop" tweek nodded and ran over to were Kyle was standing and they started talking. I turned to Craig who was looking at his feet.

"Craig I need to tell you something I shouldn't of kept from you"

Craig looks up and starts to talk "what is it?"

"The night were I missed our date and Clyde told you I cheated on you I couldn't come and I wasn't cheating on you..." Craig motioned me to carry on I took a deep breath "my dad found out that I was not straight and he he..."tears fell down my cheeks as Craig hugged me calming me down and I carried on.

"He said that if I was gay he would have to punished me so he called his mate over and they r-r-raped me" I was bawling my eyes out know crying on Craig's shoulder as he comforted me and rubbed my back comforting me.

"I'm such an asshole to believe Clyde and not you I'm sorry Kenny can you forgive me and we could maybe try this again?" I smile at Craig and peck him on the lips

"Yes Craig I forgive you and I would love to give us I second chance"


Hi clouds here's another one shot I'm at my grandmas with my brother updating this help my brother is annoying the shit outta me and I can't get him back because my grandmas about send out and S.O.L save our lamb!

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