Kamy (kylexamy) P2

329 4 2

Amy's pov

I straighten my skirt nervously. oh god why did I agree to this?!

"I hope your not having second thoughts." Kyle says smiling, he looks a bit disappointed though

"OH NO!! No! Sorry for shouting, I'm just really nervous." I smile at him taking a sip from my hot chocolate. his green eyes brighten and I tuck some of my black hair behind my ear.

"Good, I would literally cry if you were." I blush

"Your just saying that." I fiddle with a loose sting on my jumper.

"No, I'm not" he places a hand on my cheek. it's kinda awkward because it's across the table.

"Yeah, it is awkward." I blush again

"GOD DAMNIT!!" Kyle laughs

"But you have bebe, she's a cheerleader!"

"Yeah well you know how it is. cheerleaders are obviously the spawn of the devil. I mean look at Wendy!" I laugh and Kyle suddenly hugs me.

Again it's over the table so it's awkward.

"Why are you hugging me?" I ask confused as fuck

"Hmmm, I don't know." he says

"How can you not know?"

"I just hug people I care about randomly. ooh!!" He covers his mouth blushing "now I'm thinking out loud."

"You care about me?"

"Of course!!"

But I'm just the new girl. how can he are about me? I hardly know him!!

"Your not just the new girl, your cute, pretty, funny and have a personality." Kyle let's go of me.

"Hate to break a m-m-moment Kyle b-but your bill is h-here!" Tweek says blushing. Kyle smiles at him and pays, tweek walks over to Craig blushing and say something to him. Craig smirks winking at kyle.

"What was that?" I ask

"I don't know but I'm scared."

I laugh finishing of my drink. Kyle finishes his and stands up offering me an arm.

"May I walk you home?"

"Yes, you may!" I grab his arm and we head out of the shop,

Not before tweek can AWWW! And Craig can tease Kyle.

We get to my house sooner then I wanted. I could get used to holding onto him.

"Bye amy, looks like I have to go." Kyle starts to walk off and I wave.

"Bye Kyle!!" He stops waking and runs back over.

"Wait, I almost forgot." he grabs me and kisses me. before I can respond he walks away waving


I enter my house in a daze.

"BEST NIGHT EVER!!" I shout before shearing to my room


There's one done. :3 hope you enjoyed!!


South Park Oneshots (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora