crellie (craigxellie) P2

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Craig's pov

I for think I've ever felt nervous before. never in my entire life. it's weird. My palms are sweaty, and I'm slightly shaking....

Oh god, I better not be turning into tweek!

Well I did drink a lot of coffee today. probably because I've stayed awake all last night thinking about this!!

I sit on the bang of Starks pond waiting patiently for ellie. tweek defiantly passé the message on right?!

Of course he did! He's my best friend! I shouldn't doubt him.

That's how nervous I am. I asked tweek to pass on the message. I skip a stone across the shinny lake leaving ripples. the moonlight reflects onto the lake making it look beautiful

It's reminds me of Ellie's eyes. they always sparkle no matter what situation she's in. god she's amazing.

I'm sounding like a love sick school girl and it's creeping me out!!

That's why I'm doing this. your probably wondering what I'm doing. Ellie is going to meet me here. I'm going to tell her how I feel. I through another rock into the pond and it splashes.

Why is this so much harder then it looks?!

"What did the pond do to you?" A sweet voice ask from behind me making me turn around

"Oh nothing" I say taking in her appearance.

"You look beautiful." I whisper but she hears and blushes

Her ark brown hair is curled and blowing slightly in the breeze. here skin is loominated by the moon light making her look even purer than normal. Her blue eyes sparkle as always. her eyelashes are long and curled. she looks up at the stars. {don't think an of tahr made sense.}

"I love the night sky." She says

"Me too, I love how calm night is." I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans {ew}

"Hey Ellie,"


"Do you like anyone?" I ask blushing. thank god it's so dark

"Like like or like love?" She asks looking out into the pond

"Like love?"

"Was that a question?" I stand up and walk towards her.

"Why did you want to meet me here?"

Oh god. there's no turning back now Craig! Go for it!!!

"Because I wanted to ask you something." I take a hold of her hand and she looks at me. her ocean blue eyes meeting mine.

"I think your great, NO!! I Like you- what I'm trying to say is you are nice? UGH!" I let go of her hand hitting myself in TE for head a few times.

"Craig? What are you doing?"

"Trying to knock some sense into me. you know what? Fuck it!! I LOVE YOU ELLIE!!" I shout grabbing her and kissing her. she pushes me away.

"I love you too." she then grabs me and kisses me passionately

I'm soooooooo happy right now


That one sucked in my opinion I could of done better. what do you think it'slliemcd


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