Style stress

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Stan's pov

I was sitting on my boyfriends bed just watching him fuss over nothing. well it was nothing to me but I would never tell him that. he was pacing up and down muttering things to himself. it was kinda scarring me he was acting a lot like tweek right now.

"Ky you need to calm down, your acting paranoid nothings gonna happen to you.not as long as I'm here" I said walking up to him and putting my hands on his shoulders

He sighed turned around and hugged me. I felt my shirt getting wet with his tears, Kyle and your bipolar actions. I wrapped my arms around him and he looked up at me.

"Stan I don't know what to do I'm really stressed. my ma and dad keep pressuring me that if I don't get good grades.." he trailed of there continuing to cry into my chest. I sighed and picked Kyle up bridal style and there came a small yelp came from Kyle

"Stan what are you doing I need to study" he wrapped his arms around my neck as I carried him downstairs and out of his house.

Kyle face was a bright red as I walked to the movie theatre and paided for tickets to watch asses of fire 4. we walked into the theatre well I did and I put Kyle in his seat as I sat in mine.

"Okay Kyle now forget about the exams and your mom and dad focus on the movie"

The light dimmed down and the movie began. I told end Kyle to focus on the movie but I say we probley only watched the beginning of the film because let's just say Kyle forgot all about his exams and being stressed.


We'll there ya go clouds a style one shot if you have any requests tell me and I'll probley do them if people even read this stay on cloud 9 bye!

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