Chapter 16

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*lexis p.o.v*

Why is my life so weird?? I contemplated this all the way back to my house from emily's house. We had gone back to her house with the paper and looked it over.

I shuddered at the thought of what could happen to me if it got into the wrong hands. I parked my car and turned of the engine.

Sighing, i slumped back in my chair. Maybe i should tell my mom. Well that's probably not a good idea actually. As much as i love my mom and she loves us,  she is very money hungry.

On the good side it means that we have plenty of money and are able to partake in lots of luxuries,  but the bad side it that if she saw this she might try and take the money and sell me but then get me back with the police.

That wouldn't work though.  Noah and his gang where to smart for that. I grabbed my bag and went inside. I usually don't bring to much to emily's cause i already have anything i need there.

" Hey Lex, how was your sleepover" jess had been sleeping over at her friend anna's house. a-ha! I can tell jess!

" Hey jess can I talk to you?" jess face turned to a frown at my tone. " Sure" we went into my room and she sat on my bed at i out my stuff away.

Once i was finished i came to sit next to her, fiddling with my hands as i tried to figure out how to tell her.

" I don't know where to start"

" How bout from the beginning?" jess smirked. " fine genius" i rolled my eyes. Then i told jess the whole story starting with how i meet Noah to his suspicious behavior to the form to following him to his gang to the concert to meeting daniel to hiding with him to then the hospital then the sleepover at Emily's to the form we found and what it means to my date with daniel.

Jess's face was constantly changing expressions throughout my story and when i finished she just stared at me for a few seconds before blurting our " Ima kill that son of a bitch"

" Where's this form now??"

" I left it with Emily" " Well we need to get rid of it before Noah and his gang come looking for you."

" Emily said she would take care of it and that i needed to focus on my date with daniel" Jess jumped up in excitement. " Oh pleeaassseee, pleeeaaassseee, pleeaassseee let me help you!!!"

" Dude I need you, i know nothing about boys. Especially this one."

Jess squealed in excitement then dragged me into my closet. " Ok what time is he picking you up and where are you going??" " Umm let me check" " Dude you seriously don't even remember your own date?" " Sorry i've had other matters on my mind" I pulled up daniels texts.

" Ummm he's said he'll pick me up at 8 and that we are going to the amusement park on boardwalk and that we can get ice cream!" i said that last bit a little more enthusiastic then the others. I mean who doesn't love ice cream like come on.

" Ok," jess glanced at her apple watch, " it's 12:37 wich gives about 4 hours to plan everything and then you should shower and relax."

" Does it really take 4 hours to plan for a date?? can't i just wear what i am now?? And pllleeaasseee don't make me drink that awful apple cider vinegar thing that you drink before each date."

" Yes it does take time if your going on a date with daniel james fucking seavey, and yes you need to drink the apple cider vinegar. Now get your ass of the floor and try this on" She shoved some clothes in my hand and shut the door.

I looked at the clothes. It was some brandy Melville shirt and Americans eagle jeans. I don't remember buying either. I'm pretty sure jess has bought more than half my closet for me without me even knowing.

She has a talent when it came to picking out cute clothes that i would never ever where. I'm more of a sweatshirt and leggings or sweatpants girl. Oh and crew necks are the

Still i shoved the clothes on and walked out, doing a sarcastic little spin. " Nope i hate it" i flopped my arms down." Oh come on lex it looks great on you"

" Can i pick something pleeasssee"

" fine" jess reluctantly agreed. " Yes!" I rushed back into my closet and threw on one of my fav crew necks and some leggings..

The minute is stepped out of the closet jess looked at me in disappointment. " Aaa, hell noooooo" she sang
" Oh come on why not" " Because you wear that everyday"

" And?"

" Lexi you need to where something different"
" Fine" i sighed. " i'll where shorts" I marched back into the closet and picked out a pair of shorts. Then i walked out of the closet and did another sarcastic spin then looked in the mirror. Oooo i actually kinda dig this one, not gonna lie.

" Lex this is perfect " jess came to stand beside me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

" Lex this is perfect " jess came to stand beside me. " I can't believe your going on a date. And with daniel seavey nevertheless."

" Ok let's get back to work" jess dragged me back into the closet.

A/n: Heyo it's me again. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. How have y'all been feeling about with you this christmas?? I personally have decided to drop out of school to promo it none stop and i would gladly except company❤️✌️

The girl in the crowd // D.S [✔︎]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें