Chapter 4

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*Daniels p.o.v*

" Ok I'll call you after the show, love you babe" I heard corbyn getting of the phone with Christina. I sighed. It must be nice to have someone. " you good bro" corbyn asked, coming to sit beside me " yeah I'm fine" I lied

This tour had been especially hard for me, without having someone with me. I mean I had the boys and their girlfriends, but it wasn't the same. None of them where mine. All mine.

"Ebens almost done, where on in five" Jonah finished of his last bit of coffee. " But those where my chicken tenders" jack yelled " but I was hungry" Zach ran into the room with half of a chicken tender and ran across the room hiding behind Jonah.

" I'm gonna get you little" jack lunged after Zach as Jonah stepped to the side. " god children calm down" " we should get up there" corbyn said checking his watch.

We did our chant before I ran out on stage once the music started and I started singing

" I don't want a girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen or something ends a stack of dollar bills on a limousine I want a girl who takes the bus and wear baggie rokin Nike airs, WHAT THE HELL ARE LOUBOUTINS!!!" I sang and the guys came on stage.

As corbyn was singing his part, I saw her. She was like no girl I had ever seen before and not in a bad or cheesy way. I quickly looked away before she could notice me. But I couldn't keep my eyes of her the whole time.

I finally decided to sing to her. She's a fan right so no one will suspect a thing. 8 letters was the perfect song. When my part came I stared straight into her eyes and didn't blink. They where a beautiful mix of blue and green and I never wanted to look away.

I couldn't help but stay after my part was over. Then I snapped out of my daze and continued the concert though I couldn't resist looking at her throughout the concert.

Soon it was time to go back stage and change for the next part. " Who was that bro" jack followed me into the room after the others. " i don't know but I have to find out" we changed and I went back a little earlier than the others to try and catch another glance.

There she was. I swear that girl is something else. Soon we went back and finished the show. I stayed a little longer to see if she was going to the after party meet and greet thing.

I sprinted of the stage as a saw her heading that way with what looked like her little sister. I changed as quick as I could. Everyone else was hungry so they grabbed some snacks for the meet and greet but I was to excited to eat.

" hurry up guys" " someone's excited" Jon said, and called the boys. Jonah grabbed his coffee and headed out while corbyn rounded up Zach and jack who where being idiots, smacking each other's ass's and what not.

We went to the room and they let some of the fans through to take pictures and then into the room where we'd talk to them more. I tried to calm down but I just couldn't. I don't know what it is, but something about that girl makes me weak and stronger at the same time.

After what felt like forever I saw her. She was talking to some of the other fans. She said something that made them all laugh and I couldn't help but wonder what it was.

My heart was beating faster and faster as the distance between us got shorter and shorter.

The girl in the crowd // D.S [✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now