Chapter 3

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Once we had gotten our tickets scanned we went to find our seats. We where in the middle of the first row, the perfect place in my opinion. Then Jess dragged me to the merch stand and I bought her a shirt(yes I'm a nice sister surprise!) and then I decided to by the 8 letters necklace for myself.

Then Jess dragged me around and we met some of her ibfs, and I met a few subscribers and we took pictures. " come on Jess let's go back now" we went back to our seats and waited for the opening acts.

Suddenly the lights went down and the first opening act came out. It was a girl called Taylor Gray and she was pretty good. After we went and got a picture with her while they set up for the next act. Surprisingly enough she knew me and she said that we should hang out soon.

Then another act came on and everyone started screaming and I went along with even though I had no clue why. Then a boy called Eben came on. And let me just say, he was lit as fuck. I loved all his songs but then one came on called lambo.

I screamed the lyrics out with my whole heart because I had heard this song from somewhere and I had I loved it. " ID RATHER CRY IN A LAMBOOOOO!!!!" I sang. Soon Eben was over and an artist that I did know from before came on called Max.

Max was amazing and we jammed out hard to all his songs. As he got of stage I could feel the excitement in the air as the time for why dont we got closer. Soon an empic beat started playing and Daniel ran on stage. Or at least I think it's Daniel.
I didn't know them by heart yet.

"I don't want a girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen or spends a stack of dollar bills on a limousine. I want a girl who takes the bus and wears baggy jeans, rokin nike airs, WHAT THE HELL ARE LOUBOUTINS!?!?!"

The others came on stage and they finished the song and for a split second I thought that Daniels eyes where on me but then he was looking away.

The next song came on and I swear it happened again but this time longer. And again. And again. Ok something is definitely going on here. During In too deep, I could swear he winked at me when it said "I heard your sirens call it was beautiful"

Maybe it was just my imagination. But then 8 letters came on. He deadass walked straight up to where me and Jess where and waited for his part. Then Daniel bent down as close as he could without falling of and started to sing to me.

My heart stopped as I stared into his blues eyes, not blinking. He stared back with even more passion and waited a few seconds after to walked away. OMG. That boy is something else.

The concert continued and all throughout Daniel stayed relevantly close to me. He snuck in a few more winks and sung in my direction a lot. I swear he even licked and bit his lips once or twice.

To soon the concert ended. " What was that" Jess exclaimed as we followed some of the crowd to where we would meet the boys. " what?" " girl, did you not see Daniel? He could not keep his eyes of you!"

" I'm sure it was nothing" " yeah, sure" Jess rolled her eyes. Secretly I hoped it was something. I stood in line, anticipating seeing those endless blues pools again.

The girl in the crowd // D.S [✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now