Gently he pushes me against the wall and starts nibbling on my neck. I let out a small moan "babe." he lets out a small moan, but that's not what I was trying to get him to do "babe." he bites into my mark making me moan.

'gosh darn him!' kali purrs 'Oh quiet you like it.' Shane's hands cup my breast and he kisses my chest "you know what you do to me?" I let out a shaky breath as he presses his lower half against me, his manhood pokes my thigh. now noticing he's naked too I wrap my arms around his neck and shake my head "I had no idea, you know if you keep this up we might end up with another Liam or Anne." He chuckles "well it be worth it." I shake my head "your crazy." he laughs "only for you." he smacks my butt and growls "and all mine, go get ready sexy."

I laugh and get out wrapping a towel around my body. the dress hanging on the bathroom door is a light blue with grey designs all over it. I grab it and shake my head, its a size 9 I can't fit that!

I look in the mirror and shrug my shoulders. I pull on the dress and wahla! it freaking fit.....

Shane came up behind me in all his glory. I blush a light pink as he zips up the back "your still as beautiful the day I met you." I blush again "thank you, your still as handsome as ever too babe." he smirks as he kisses my neck and walks to the bed room wrapping the towel I just had around his waist.

Once I finished drying my hair that's grown past my butt I curl it and put it up with a hair clip. then I look in the mirror and smile. Shane's deep voice tears my attention from my reflection "so gorgeous." I smile when I see him in a black tux and black suite pants and a blue grey dress long sleeve shirt on under the tux. "I would say the same to you but your a man, and you are a very handsome man at that babe." he laughs as he pulls me to him and takes in my scent.


*Update on how Ali looks*

Her chocolate brown red tinted hair flows down to her butt
Her boobs gotten bigger after having her two sunshines
Her butt has gotten plumper
She shrunk back to her small petit size, but her body is a lot more mature than her normal 16 yr old body was..

*update on Shane's look*

Gotten more muscle all over body, happens when we're wolves have children because they need to be able to protect family...
He's more mature than usual 19 yr old....


"Babe we got to go." Shane kisses my cheek "don't worry I got it all set." I smile while he grabs my hand taking me out to his car. A black 1969 mustang, he opens my door and closes it when I get inside of it. The inside is a shocking razor blue and it rumbles to life when Shane turns it on. "I've missed my Al's." I look at Shane and laugh "Al's?" he nods "yes, do you not like her?" he puts a hand over his heart acting as if I've hurt him "no i love her." he laughed "good or you would have had to walk Al's don't work for ppl who hate her." his voice was all seriousness.

He revived Al's engine and you could tell she had a lot of work done to her. lot of tears, sweat, and blood put into building her into what she is today. I leaned back and relaxed while Shane took off to wherever we were going.

Once we got to the restaurant he got out and told me to stay and came back out with lots of ppl carrying loads of food.... I watched as he opened the trunk and told them to put the food carefully into the trunk... I laughed when he got back inside the car "what we doing having take out?" he nodded "yup." is all he says before we take off and go somewhere I never been before.

A waterfall sounds in the short distance from where Shane sets up a blanket laid out, the food set in a semi circle on the blanket and lights threaded in three of the trees that are closest to us. I gasp at the sight and giggle when he pulls me to the blanket, I take off my high heels and sit down next to him as he pulls a plate of food up to us "some Alfredo for my lady." nodding my head he feeds me a fork full and laughs.

He grabs another plate and asks "how about some Cajun chicken pasta?" I smile as he gives me a fork full and I do the same to him. "I want whatever that is." I point to a plate with meat in it. he smiles " that my dear is a burrito casserole." we eat that together and laugh at each other when we miss the others mouth.

Shane then grabs a medium sized box and ask me in a sexy voice "some dessert?" I giggle and watch him open the box that holds my favorite strawberry cheese cake. "you got me that! oh my gosh thank you." he gives me a piece and I moan at how good it taste, it practically melts in my mouth.

Shane gets up and puts away the boxes of food and comes back to me.... he grabs my hands pulling me up off the blanket and smiles "your so beautiful, your glow blinds me." I giggle "thank you for giving me everything I could ever ask for... your such a blessing to my life, and I want you to be with me forever Ali I want you to be..." he gets on his knee "my wife, Ali Parker... will you make me the happiest man and be my wife?" he pulls a small box out of his back pocket and hands it to me opening it revealing a small diamond ring.

I start to cry and nod my head "yes oh my gosh yes, Shane wells I want to make you the happiest man on earth yes yes, a million times yes!" he gets up wiping the tears that had fallen from my cheeks "you are my everything Ali and those little sunshines we created are my everything." I can't help but cry as he wipes the tears from my face he kisses my cheeks then my lips......

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