Chapter eLeVeN

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uh welcome back. again. in the same day. y'all are lucky. :) enjoy (sorry its short)

     Bucky shook Peter awake. He knew immdietly what was going on. The heavy, misplaced breathing and the eyes moving everywhere. He was being tormented in his sleep. The rest of the team wasn't down yet, only Steve and him and for the moment he was upstairs.

      Peter awoke with a shock, bolting up and almost falling. Bucky was knelt beside and watched as Peter curled up and squeezed his eyes shut. Carefully the soldier sat down next to him, making sure not to startle the kid. 

     Bucky reached out with his human arm and let his hand rest on the kid's knee. Peter jerked slightly but didn't pull away. Bucky gathered his thoughts and took a deep breath. He wasn't used to talking to people like he cared. He did care though.

     "I know. I know Pete." His voice was soft and quiet, treading the waters of the teen's emotions.

     Peter sniffled and tears started to drop. Thoughts started to race through his mind. He probably looked so stupid right now, crying in front of one of the bravest men he'd ever met. Stupid, stupid, stupid. That's all he was.

       Slowly, Bucky reached out and pulled Peter to him. AT first the small figure hung back until Buck wrapped his arms around him. He sighed and held him tight.

     "You're young Peter. It's ok to cry. It's ok. I won't judge." Bucky whispered, awkwardly trying to comfort him the best he could. It seemed to be working as Peter relaxed and he hands dropped from holding his knees.

     Bucky wasn't one for touching but he could make an exception. Peter let out a small breath, calming down as he whispered quietly.

      "I was drowning. Then falling. I..I couldn't breathe." It was so quiet, Bucky almost couldn't hear. But he did. And he was sure the nightmare that caused Peter to be so disoriented was worse than that. But he decided not to push.

      "Thank you for telling me. I know what it feels like Pete." He slowly rubbed his normal hand up and down the teen's arm, hoping to help soothe him. He could feel the boy relax into his touch, his breath evening out. 

      The thoughts stopped racing so fast. It was nice to have someone here with him. Someone who Peter knew who would understand. Bucky started shifting his weight, trying to get more comfortable.

      "Please. Don't leave me." The small human whispered. Clinging closer to Buck. The older one pulled him closer, ruffling his hair.

      "Wasn't planning on it kiddo."

436 words

Thank you so much for reading!

~ Jack

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