Chapter EiGhT

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heyhey hey thank you to all those who joined the groupchat! If you still wanna join hit me up in the dm's. LOVE Y'ALL

     Peter trudged his way up to his room. The day was hard on him. He hadn't gotten to visit Ned's grave as usual. The city was busy with criminals and as always, the cops weren't the best at their job.(no offense to officers, but the Marvel cops succ but everyone else is cool we love you). Putting his mask on the dresser he had in the corner, Peter sighed and sat down onto his bed. With the door closed, he started to undress out of his suit.

     Bruises covered his torso and arms. He would heal a lot quicker if would eat but there was a small chance of that. Plus, something about him was satisfied about the bruises. Peter felt like he deserved them, so seeing them covering his body made it all right. Throwing on a sweater and shorts, he stood with a sigh, running his hand through his hair. 

     Opening the door and walking downstairs, an idea rushed through Peter's head. What if he just took a car to Ned's grave? But then of course there's the GPS system so Mr.Stark could track him. Still, he could just park farther away. Peter had an array of cars that could drive themselves. Plus, he did have his permit.

     Reaching the end of the stairs, he realized that he'd have to face the rest of the team. Taking a deep breath, Peter stepped into the common room. He put on a smile and waved at Nat who waved back from where she was reading. It was odd he thought, the team was really dismissive early and now everyone was acting normal again. 

      Walking to the fridge, Peter grabbed a Gatorade, waving it in front of Sam when he looked at the kid pointedly. Leaning on the counter, he took a couple sips and watched as Tony and Bruce seemed to be arguing. In front of them was a digital drawing of a couple different equations. Bruce kept trying to change the answer and Tony was disagreeing. Automatically, Peter saw the flaw in the equation.

     Downing the whole fricking gatorade, Peter walked over and smiled at Tony, "Hey." He said quietly. Tapping the screen, added a plus symbol to the subtraction equation. Bruce just gaped and Tony muttered damn before patting the kid on his back. 

     "Thanks kid," Tony grinned at him and then noticed he looked like he was ready to go out, "Where ya headed?" Peter recycled his bottle and then looked back up at the question. He opened his mouth only to close it again and think quickly of an excuse. 

      "Uh, out? I'm just gonna clear my head. And pet some dogs most likely," he uttered while trying to send his most convincing smile. Inching towards the elevator, Peter prayed that his excuse would work. His freedom was depending on it.

      "Alright. Bring me back some pringles." Tony shrugged and turned back to his work. Steve waved goodbye and Peter stepped into the elevator and hit the button at least five times before the doors close. Letting out a deep breath, he pulls at the bottom of his sleeves, a nervous habit of his. Peter stepped out into the garage and went straight to the black tesla. Out of all the cars, it was his favorite.

     Honestly, he just liked the way the doors opened. Stepping inside, he put in the directions for the street next to the graveyard. This is probably illegal, he knows, but the license plate says STARK5 so it's not like anybody will care. As the car started, Peter's gaze went out the window. Driving out of the compound was almost relaxing. It's like a pressure had been lifted from his shoulders.   

      The city went by in a blur. The traffic was light for once as the car directed itself towards the grave site. Parking about a block away, Peter sat in the car for a couple of minutes. Taking deep breathes he tried to calm himself before going to visit his best friend. Opening the car door he stepped out. Quickly locking the car he crossed the street.

      The walk to Ned's grave was a little far but he was alright with that. No one else appeared to be there, which he was glad for. Peter had little time alone since New York never stopped moving. Even at the compound he had a few rare minutes to  himself.

     After a couple yards Peter reached Ned's gravestone. The guilt rushed over him as he stood above the stone. Seeing earlier that he was alone, Peter wanted to talk to Ned, out loud. It just seemed easier that way.

      "Uh hey Ned," he started awkwardly, sitting down in front of the carved stone. "I miss you. I come here everyday y'know? But just gets lonely sometimes." Sighing, Peter shuffles a bit and stares at Ned's name. 

      "Remember that time we re-built all the lego Star Wars? God that was the best." He chuckled to  himself as his mind replayed the memory. "I'm sorry Ned. I really am." Peter's eyes wondered but then came back to the grave. 

    "I...I wish it was me. I could've died. I would. If it meant bringing you back." Tears started to drip out of Peter's brown eyes as he bit his lip. "I didn't mean for you to go. But don't worry." Taking a deep breath Peter finally said what he needed to, "I'll be with you soon. In a couple weeks maybe. And we can finally meet again."

      The silence was peaceful. But a broken voice cut through it.

    "Peter?" MJ stood behind him, flowers in hand. She was crying, having heard everything.

971 words

Thank you for reading! I love you!!!!

Shout out to everyone who helped, tysm


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