Chapter TwO

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So sorry I haven't been here guys! I was on a break for school


Peter whimpered in respond to Tony and mumbled between gasps for air, "I'm... fine... just go...", he fell away from the door as the lack of oxygen hit his mind slowly. Peter's vision slowly gathered black spots as he became overwhelmed in fear.

"No Peter your not fine. I'm going to force this door open if you don't open it for me!" Tony's voice was harsh as he jiggled the doorknob faster. He hadn't yet realized the context of the situation. From his view Peter was being a lazy teenager, something he didn't appreciate. Peter's eyes teared up as the never ending rush of thoughts barged through his weak mind.

(Peter's thoughts) "Your never good enough. You never will be. He doesn't even care. You shouldn't even be here. Just leave. Ned would still be here if it weren't for you. You dumb piece of shit." Peter cringed and clawed at the carpet in a desperate attempt to come back to earth. It's as if he was blind. He couldn't see how to escape. The panic attacks had never been this worse before. He was scared. More scared then ever.

The door flung open and Tony bursts in, looking around the room before spotting the kid on the floor. "Hey kid. Kid? Get up, come on. What's going on here?" He grabbed Peter's shoulder and the teenager pulled back, his head slamming into the wall.

"Nonononono... please I didn't mean to I swear...please just make it stop.." he mumbled, looking like a true mess with bloodshot eyes and shaking limbs. Tony immediately realized what was happening. He had felt this all before, gone through something like what Peter was going through. The man's eyes teared up at the sight of his broken apprentice. He wasn't supposed to turn out like this, Peter was supposed to be happy, right?

"Hey, hey Pete it's ok." With a soft voice Tony bent down and lightly reached out to pull Peter form the corner. The boy melted into his touch, his breathing hitching every time he sobbed. "Just breath ok? Keep doing that bud, it'll be ok."

Soon he stopped crying and Peter's breathing settled into a steady pace, however the shaking didn't seem to cease. He tried to push away once he realized what was happening but Tony held a tight grip on Peter. He soon gave up and relaxed into the hug, closing his eyes and inhaling the scent of whiskey and oil.

The rest of the team had gathered in the hallway (Natasha, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Steve, Bruce and Pepper), they were all concerned for the young spider. No one had ever seen Peter like this before. He was always a happy, smiley kid. He talked everyone's ear off, and he never acted like this.

But while mostly everyone was surprised, the only thought running through Bruce's head was. "How long as he been hiding this?"

508 words. See you all Thursday!!!!!!!

- Jack

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