Chapter SeVeN

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my own book is giving me anxiety. y'all ready?

I'm so sorry fro not updating. I haven't been able to write much. If anyone has any ideas, please spill!!!


     Captain America took his time going down the stairs leading to his team. He wasn't exactly sure of what he wanted to say yet, but he had a slight idea.

    When he reached the end of the stairwell, his blue eyes fell onto the rest of the Avengers. They were scattered around the kitchen table and family room couch, talking with each other contently while waiting for him to arrive.

     "Yo! Cap, it's about time!" Clint yelled from the family room where he was sitting with Natasha. The rest of the team looked over and they all slowly made their way to the many couches and piles of pillows.

     "Told you he'd make it on time." Sam commented from the fridge. He grabbed a coke and made his way over to his good friends. "By the way, anyone heard anything from Wanda lately?" His question set everyone of into bustling conversations, all of them forgetting the reason they were there. 

      Steve sighed and stood against the wall, "AhEm." At his voice, everyone started to quiet down. Gods, they were all so happy looking, unaware of anything that went on behind the closed doors of Peter. Steve had a slight idea, and to be honest, he felt guilty to ruin the peace that had settled over the team. 

      "The reason I uh- had you all gather was to talk about recent events." He spoke with his head inclined down, not looking at anyone. When Steve wasn't interrupted, he took that as his cue to continue. 

      "Yesterday, excluding Sam, we all witnessed Peter have an anxiety attack. And from what I've seen, it isn't his first one." The team's faces fell. Steve let his words sink in. This was the right thing to do. Wasn't it?

      "I'm just worried for the kid. He doesn't eat, he's been distant lately and I just think we all need to keep a better eye out." With a sigh Steve sunk into a chair and looked around the room, waiting for someone else to speak up. 

      Bruce pushed his glasses up and pulled his phone out. The rest of the team now had their eyes on him, assuming he was being rude. But when he tapped something on the device, a screen popped up in front of them. 

      "I've...also noticed Peter." He played security footage as it fast forwarded through the last couple weeks, the team had their eyes on the young hero throughout the compound. On the feed it showed him throwing away his dinner on multiple occasions. Nat gasped as they all watched him break down several times before reaching his room. And almost every night his door would open and he would leave, go downstairs and stare off into space and then go back.

      Bruce paused the footage and let out a breath he was holding. "I gathered this early this morning. I- I know what it feels like to be there. And I'm telling you guys, Pete won't last lone if we don't help." 

      Everyone's reactions were different. Steve was nodding while he processed everything, Clint had his arm around Nat as they thought together, Sam was bouncing his leg and staring nervously as Tony held his head in his hands.

     "I need a drink." The billionaire got up as everyone watched his back.

     "Aren't you worried Tony? I mean, come on! You and him are connected." Clint spoke up, standing up after Tony. He was obviously a little pissed at the man, as was everyone else. 

     Sam shifted his weight before he spoke too, "I think we should approach him one on one. He'll get nervous if we all gang up on him and he might open up to others easier." Everyone seemed to agree. Sam would know about this, after all, he was an Air Force Veteran. He had helped out a lot of his friends.

      Just as the group of hero's were about to decide who should speak to the kid, the elevator dinged and Spider-Man stepped out. The room was quiet as he walked out and looked around.

     "Uh, everything alright guys? I didn't miss anything, did I?" Peter said nervously, flashing an awkward smile as he took of his mask. A chorus of dismissals echoed out as the band of supers' waved away his suspicion. Peter shrugged and walked on.

      As soon as he left, everyone exchanged glances, "So. Who's gonna do it?" 

760 words

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