Chapter FiVe

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HERE WE GO!!!!!!

     The sun rose to it's full height, the beams of gold streamed through Peter's window. He hadn't slept for too long, his mind whirling and his eyes still red from crying the night before. Stirring from his light rest, Peter yawned and sat up. Looking around, he realized his room was a mess. There were clothes tossed everywhere, his suit hanging off of his dresser. He figured that it wasn't worth cleaning up if he was going to make a mess again anyway. 

     The rest of the team was still sound asleep by the time Peter made it downstairs. It was around 9 am, and Steve was already out for his morning jog. Usually he went with Bucky but he was still sound asleep, his head poking out from the pile of pillows.     

     Peter turned around, his gaze going from the Avengers to the fridge. Finally, and energy drink. From an outside point of view, Peter looked like shit. He had bags under his eyes, he was skinnier than normal and the clothes he wore had holes in them from several training incidents. However, Peter did not give a rat's ass what he looked like.

     Opening up the large, expensive fridge, the teenager reached in and grabbed a can of Monster. He hidden it in the back so the team wouldn't dispose of it. Their opinions on energy drinks were all the same, gross, gross, and your'e going to die from those. But isn't that the point? At least that's what Peter thought. He would much rather die young and at his hand than grow old and die asleep. 

     Quietly opening the can, he took his first sips. Damn did he need this. Sighing, Peter turned on his heel and headed back to his room. It looked like another day of the Avengers being lazy. Not being able to save the drink, he downed the rest and crushed the can between his bare hands. Throwing it into his trashcan, Peter heard the elevator ding and assumed Steve was back from his jog. 

     "Hey Pete." The super solider said, ruffling Peter's hair and walking on by. Peter grunted in response and moved to close his door. He wasn't in the mood for America's ass today. As he closed the door he missed Steve look back. The man was concerned for the young hero, so he decided he would have a team meeting while Peter was out.

     Peter closed his door and turned to his suit. Whenever he doesn't know what to do, he puts on the suit. He uses it as a mask to what he really feels likes. So brushing his teeth and putting on other clothes, Peter slips the suit on. He keeps the mask off for the time being and sits on the window sill. Making up his mind, Peter goes to his desk.

     Grabbing a sticky note and a pen, he scribbles a note, "Out being Spider-man, be back soon." He puts the note on his bed and hopes the Avengers won't notice he's gone too long. After all, this is his job. Opening the window up Peter tugs on his mask. He inhales slowly and exhales as Karen greets him. He lets a small smile cross his face as the teenager flies out the window, leaving Peter behind and becoming Spider-Man. 

561 words

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