[31. Werewolf Problem]

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Lucy pulled her face away from her hands, her lips arranged into a scowl that she aimed at her best friend. She grumpily snatched up the sandwich and took a big bite, begrudgingly humming in approval.

When she swallowed, she said, "This isn't fiction, though, Care. This is real life and you know how horrible it is to fall for my older sister's boyfriend!"

Caroline winced. "It's not good but it's definitely not as bad as you think," she attempted to console Lucy. "And it's not like you're doing anything about your feelings. You're not making any moves."

"True," Lucy conceded, happy that she could at least say that. "But still, if Elena found out..."

"She won't," Caroline stated confidently. She wasn't going to spill the beans and according to Lucy, no one else knew about it. "You just have to get over him, right?"

"Right," Lucy nodded. She hesitated and grimaced at Caroline. "How do I do that?"

"Find a guy, date a guy, sleep with a guy," Caroline said firmly. "The last two can be ordered differently for certain circumstances."

"Caroline, I'm not gonna sleep with a guy I don't know," Lucy rolled her eyes and finished off his sandwich.

"Well, does Joel have any friends?"

"He has a few cute ones," Lucy admitted. "But I'm underage."

"Age of consent?"


"Fine, fine," Caroline gave up as Lucy jumped from her stool and started washing the bacon pan. "We'll figure something out, okay? For right now, though, I need your help with Matt and Tyler."

Lucy scrubbed at the pan with a soapy sponge and hummed. "Right, your dilemma. Matt and Tyler both kissed you within the same twenty-four hours."


Lucy rinsed the pan and turned to face Caroline with a serious expression. "Want to know what I think?"

"I asked you for help," Caroline reminded her.

"I think you love Matt," Lucy smiled slightly as Caroline nodded. "But I think Tyler's gotten under your skin."

Caroline deflated, ashamed.

"It's understandable, Care," Lucy assured her, walking around the island to wrap an arm around her waist. "You helped Tyler through a really rough time. You were there for him when no one else was. It's understandable that you feel some sort of affection for him....and he's easy on the eyes, too."

Caroline giggled and Lucy winked at her.

"I can't tell you what to do," Lucy continued. "But I know that you're stubborn and you go after what you want. So, who do you want?"

"Matt," Caroline answered without hesitation. "I love Matt."

"All right," Lucy nodded, satisfied that she could help out her best friend. "Now, come on. We gotta get dressed and get to the memorial."

Mystic Falls was hosting a memorial for the many people who were killed by Rose the day before. On the night of the full moon, Rose was bitten by a werewolf in defense of Damon. The legend stated that a werewolf bite was fatal to vampires and they were right; Rose quickly deteriorated. As she slowly died, she was hallucinating and viciously craving blood. She attacked at the charity barbeque and managed to kill a few people before Damon and Elena came to collect her. She died that night after Damon mercifully staked her.

Now, Mrs. Lockwood insisted on the town coming together to remember those who died the past few months. It wasn't a bad idea—the town needed to heal, especially after losing their mayor.

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