Chapter 3

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~~~~So I guess you are just one of those people who are supposed to walk into my life, teach me a lesson, and then walk out~~~~~

Mia's POV:

As expected, Mr. Kim sent us his top models for our photo shoot today. All of those men started to wear the clothes that we assigned except one.

" I would like you to try our outfits for the photo shoot," I politely told the model with a mask as I gestured the clothes in front of him.

He didn't reply. He just stared at me and called my name. "Mia right? Ms.Y/N's assistance? I would like to meet your CEO," he told me nonchalantly.

I was slightly taken back because models do not talk about Ms. Y/N since she has nothing to do with our photoshoots. She gave us orders and I am the one who is in charge of it.

"Yes I am her assistance, but you cannot meet her because I am the one who is in charge of the models," I just shrugged him off.

The model took off his black mask and gazed into my eyes. "I would like to meet her sweetheart, will you please show the way?" His deep voice rang into my ear as I feel my heart beating rapidly.

Holy Shit! Kim Taehyung! Why is he here???

His husky voice gave me goosebumps as I recalled the dinner last night. He was sweet, charming, and flirty. I would be dying to date him, but now, I just want to dig a hole and die.

"I cannot do that Mr. Kim, she wouldn't like that. She does not like to meet people without an appointment," I said.

He softly laughed. "I did arrange an appointment. Remember the dinner last night Ms. Mia, or should I say Ms. Y/N?"

"Mr. Kim, I am very very sorry about the dinner we had last night. Ms. Y/N told me to go to dinner as her. But I didn't mean to harm you or manipulate you at all!" I desperately apologized as I started imagining scenarios of me getting fired if Ms. Y/N finds out.

"Hmm...interesting," Mr. Kim leans in and pinned me against the wall. I'm trapped in his arm cage between his arms and the wall

I can't take this anymore. His whole gesture and playboy smirk were suffocating me. Please take me away.

"I-I will show you her office. P-Please leave me alone." I begged as I try to find my weak voice to resist him.

"Very well, dear. I want to meet her now," he smirks again and let me go.


Y/N's POV:

The door to my office opened after three knocks, and Mia came in, accompanied by a model with a pink coat and piercings on his ears. The model looks at me and gave me a small smirk. He scans me up and down as if I was his meal for lunch.

I take a look at him and ask myself whether I've seen him before. But no. I can't recognize him from anywhere. But he should at least have some manner. I am the CEO, and models don't shamelessly look at me like that.

His eyes slowly wandered around the room before they landed on mine.

"Mia...what is the occasion?" I asked, slightly confused about the situation we are in.

"I am sorry Ms. Y/N. It's all my fault," she stared at the dark green carpet under her, avoiding my eye contact.

I was so confused about the situation and her apology that I just stared at the model for good one minute without talking. Just giving him a silent treatment before he introduces himself.

"Hello Ms. Y/N. I'm Kim Taehyung. I am pretty sure we haven't met yet, but I would like to talk to you over a coffee," the model offers his hand as I widened my eyes in surprise.

I take a look at the man's veiny hand that was wearing a thin silver bracelet with a heart-shaped charm.

"I am busy Mr. Kim," I took his hand quickly and shook it. It would be rude to leave him hanging. 

"I know. That's why I will order a coffee for you. We can talk about our collaboration in your office," he showed me his boxy smile, trying to charm me but nothing is working right now. All I can think about is the loads of work I have to finish by the end of the day. 

"Mr. Kim, I am rejecting your offer. Y/N Enterprise does not need collaboration with any fashion industry. We can work on our own," I glance back at my Mac and continue typing a response for Park Jimin and his new set of plans.

"Well, then I guess I'll have to wait in your office until you accept my request," he lifted his eyebrows and gave me a pity smile. He took a chair in front of me and scanned me shamelessly.

"Mr. Kim, what part of "rejecting your offer" don't you understand! I told you NO!" I rolled my eyes as I turn my attention to the computer screen. I have to finalize our plan for the upcoming Christmas Eve, and this dude is not giving up.

He softly chuckled. "Well, I know that you don't know V enterprise or even me. But just to let you know. I always get what I want. I am not giving up. I will get this collaboration between Y/N and V enterprises," he raised his brows again and looked at me as if I am amusing him. He rest his chin on his hand with his elbow propped on my desk. 

" wish," I rolled my eyes and continue typing.


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