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"This young man was at a crossroads in his life. He could join the military during wartime and go off to fight for a cause that he believed in. And he wanted to do this. He thought it was right. But he also had an elderly mother who was all alone, except for him. If he went to war, he'd leave her behind. And that seemed wrong. So he could stay with her, and let others fight for justice. Or he could go off to war and leave his mother to herself, and likely never see her again. The young man felt a sense of duty to both his cause and to his mother, but he could only serve one."

The Man with the metal hands enunciates. He was hunch overlooking down from a pinnacle of a rock. The embers from his empty form glide in the ocean breeze.

A little girl watches from the sand below. Her glinting eyes filled with marvel and curiosity. Black hair flowing to the lullaby of the ocean. She looks at the Archangel with a confused gaze.

"Moreover, if he went to war, he'd be just a very small part of a really big cause. His contribution probably wouldn't be great, but he would be contributing to something that would affect millions of people. But if he stayed behind, he'd make an enormous difference in just one person's life."

"Two choices..." The little girl infers.

"One answer. Which is it?"


"Yes, Answer."

"I- I don't know."

"You must. In order to understand the nature of Humanity."

"How? How do I understand?" The little girl issues.

"Your mind is open. Beyond any other. It may not be now or next week, but I believe you will find the answer soon."

The Archangel stands, looking far in the sky. A gigantic celestial body emerges from the horizon. It rotates at incredible speeds, a few hundred times per second. The star is so powerful jets of energy radiate from the poles. These jets spun with the star leaving heavy material in the space between.

"The Neutron Star has arrived. Let's return home, you aren't ready to survive the hours the star brings."

The Child picks up her katana, buried beneath the lavender sand. Held inside its scabbard is a powerful blade, which is taller than herself. So much so she required both arms to carry it. She gazes behind her watching the star in all its cosmic glory.

"Move along now. Its gravity will crush your body."

"Are you afraid of the star?" She asks.

"At first, yes. But a few centuries change that."

"But it's so big and scary."

"It is big and scary. And it will surely shatter me if I got close enough."

"But, you're a God!"

"Yet the stars stand superior. Truly shows how the population underestimates them."

Sounds of the ocean being crushed by oncoming gravitational shift become loader and loader. The Child, terrified, starts running to the dojo in the safe zone.

"When you reach the dojo, I want you to begin meditating on an answer for today's lesson!" The Angel calmly yells out. "Did you hear, Megami?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

That day was many years ago. A day Megami remembers clearly, a lesson she'll never forget. She lays back on the open field staring into the night sky. The star shines brightly; Megami no longer afraid. A spider whispers to her ear.

Peace Doesn't ExistOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz