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 Uchū entered a bar filled with people. He heard a commotion coming from a nearby table. A Drunken Man was yelling at a Woman who was holding a deck of cards. She had long flowing orange-colored hair and had clothing similar to a circus clown. She was smiling as if she was enjoying his tantrum. Uchū paid close attention to the argument.

"You cheated!"

"What makes you think that?" The Women giggled.

"You switched the cards when I wasn't looking!"

"Darling, I'm not capable of such speeds. Maybe you just misplaced them or something." The Women grabbed a couple cards and waved them like it was a hand fan.

"M- maybe I did?" The Man scratched his head then wanders away. The Women spotted Uchū staring at her.

"Why are looking handsome when you can taste." Uchū chuckled and sat at the table.

"So, what are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing darling, I just want to play the good old game of Poker. I'll warn you though, If you're going to play, there's going to be a price."

"If you win you'll get some money, am I correct?"


"And if I win?"

"You'll get me."

"Say what now?"

"You heard right. If you win I'm yours." Uchū laughed.

"I see, you use your feminine charm to lure men over to your little game. And judging by your confidence you never lost a game." The Women smirked. "Very well, I'll play." The Women started cutting the cards.

"One round, that's all I need." The Women said to Uchū.

"Such confidence."

The Women dealt the cards. When the Women looked at her cards she laughed. Uchū looked at his cards, he then looked at the Women who were using the cards as a fan. She gave him a cheeky smile. He dropped two cards and draw two more. Satisfied, he laid them on the table.

"Royal Flush!"

"What! How!?"

"Back in my day we something called Believing in the heart of the cards."

"T- that's bullshit! Your bullshit!"

"Are you angry that you lost or angry that your Genjutsu didn't work?"

"W- what!?"

"I know you tried to use the cards in your hand as a medium to cast Genjutsu. You've been using illusions to make players switch out their cards."

"How!? No one has been able to counter it!" The Women was shocked that her trick was so easily discovered.

"Sooo, guess you're mine now." The Women froze.

"I... don't... p- please..."

"Hehehe, that face." Uchū placed his feet on the table. "Calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you. Just want some information."

"Information? On what?"

"An old friend of mine, you might know her as The Ronin." The Women quickly stood up pushing her chair away.

"Are you involved with that brute?"

"Fear by just mentioning her name. She learned well." Uchū whispered to himself. "You look like someone who's been around. Just want to know what you know."

"What do you want to know?"

"Her location."

"HA, yeah right!" She received an unwavering stare from Uchū.

"Well, if you don't know guess I have no use for you anymore. Maybe I could give you to someone who could use you."

"Wait, no! I'll talk!" The Women picked up the chair and sat back down.

"Good! Location now, please."

"Look, the word on the street is that The Ronin has been last sighted in the Land of Fire. My guess, she headed towards Konoha."

"Of course she is. I'll deal with that later. I've got another issue at hand."

"W- what is it?" Uchū lowered his feet and started tapping the table at a specific rhythm.

"Can you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"The Electromagnetic Waves. They're different from radio waves, dancing to a special tune. Tap-pause-tap-tap-pause-tap. And it continues in a cycle."

"And this means...?"

"Means that someone is following me. The waves are too specific." The Women panicked.

"Who are you? Is the Tsuchikage after you?"

"Nah, it'll take them a while to find me. As of now, I want to find that signal, and you're going to help me."

"Help? Doing what?"

"I'll be dealing with whoever trying to track me down while you will locate the Ronin."

"And if I don't?"

"You will. Not because I'm forcing you but because you keep your word. You were gonna follow the deal no matter what. Because of that, you have my trust and that's something very few can do."

"Why would I want your trust? Hell, you don't even know my name."

"What's your name?" His eyes meet hers. His glowing blue eyes changed, the irides formed a white floral pattern.

"My name's Torikku. Wait, why did I say that?! Y-you placed me in a Genjutsu!"

"Doesn't feel too good, does it?" Uchū stood up. "I'll be off. I'll call upon you when I need you." Uchū left the bar, leaving Torikku puzzled. Just a few moments ago she was tricking men to get richer but now she works for a random guy in a random bar. After moments of silence from her, she let it all out.

"What just happened?!"  

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