Episode 74 Ninetales's Destiny

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Gincuba P.O.V

"With the Indigo League behind them our heroes are now on their way back to Pallet Town where their Kanto Journey will end"

Hey guys where's Kakashi?-Ash asked

He said he had to stay back with Hiruzen at the Pokemon League Stadium-Sakura explained

Oh wonder why-Ash says wondering why he's talking to Hiruzen since the League is over

It's probably just boring Grown Up Stuff-Naruto says

*While they were walking a random Pinsir came out of nowhere*

*While they were walking a random Pinsir came out of nowhere*

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PIN!!!!-Pinsir shouted using it's X-Scissors

Huh what the heck is with that Pinsir doing why are they attacking us?-Sakura asked while sjdodging th

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Huh what the heck is with that Pinsir doing why are they attacking us?-Sakura asked while sjdodging th

Don't know but we'll attack back-Naruto said while taking out a Pokeball

Ninetales come out and use Flamethrower-Naruto says commanding his Ninetales while taking it out

Ninetales come out and use Flamethrower-Naruto says commanding his Ninetales while taking it out

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*It uses Flamethrower and hits Pinsir knocking it out but a giant truck came out*

What the heck is with this truck?-Ash asked

*Then a bunch of Team Rocket Grunts came out of that Truck*

*Then a bunch of Team Rocket Grunts came out of that Truck*

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