Episode 20 A Failure Battles

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Gincuba P.O.V

"Last time our heroes have finally made it to Vermillion City but they have meant three trainers Rock Lee,TenTen and Neji and Neji just challenged the Gym and won a Badge with his powerful Pokemon and unique way of Chakra Powered attacks but has developed a interesting Rivalry with Naruto"

Aren't you going to stay to watch my battle?-Naruto asked in a serious tone in his voice

Why should I we all already know how the outcome will be you'll just lose-Neji said not wanting to see the battle thinking it's a waste of time

No way you can't just tell that someone is going to lose before they battle they've got to try their best and win-Naruto said trying to convince Neji

Growl Growl-Growlithe said agreeing with Naruto

No I've heard of you Naruto and your a Failure and it's like I said a Failure will always be a Failure-Neji said insulting Naruto

QUIT CALLING ME A FAILURE!!!-Naruto shouted pissed off at Neji he hates it when people insult him and call him a Failure since he was always called that when he lived in Fushia City

GROWL GROWL!!!-Growlithe shouted backing up Naruto

You know he is right-Lt.Surge said walking towards Naruto

What do you mean he defeated you you shouldn't talk at all-Naruto says now getting annoyed with Lt.Surge

Well that's because his Pokemon are evoled and strong but your Pokemon are probably weaker then mine shrimp-Lt.Surge said mocking Naruto

I'M NO SHIRMP MY NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI!!!-Naruto shouted in his defense

*Lt.Surge then saw his Growlithe on Naruto's shoulder*

A Growlithe wow check it out Shrimp brought a Shirmpy Pokemon-Lt.Surge laughed at Naruto and his Growlithe

QUIT LAUGHING AT ME AND GROWLITHE!!!-Naruto Shouted in a rage

GROWL GROWL!!!-Growlithe shouted

*Lt.Surge then sends out his Raichu still injured but still can stand up*

You know you should evole Pokemon once you catch them-Lt.Surge said petting his Raichu's head showing it off to Naruto

You haven't changed at all Surge-Ash said remembering the time he and Pikachu challenged Lt.Surge

And there's more to Pokemon then just evolving and I like this Growlithe just the way it is-Naruto said petting his Growlithe

And my Pokemon evole when their ready-Naruto said trying put Lt.Surge in his place (it didn't work)

He is right you know-Sakura said agreeing with Naruto

When did you get into this conversation scrawny little girl-Lt.Surge insulted

*There was silence but everyone can see the anger around Sakura*


I WILL!!-Naruto shouted in determination to defeated Lt.Surge

GROWL!!!-Growl shouted ready to battle now

You know okay I'll accept your challenge tomorrow we battle-Lt.Surge says accepting the battle

And I'll watch I mean this would be interesting-Neji said amused seeing Naruto's Determination

'And once he loses he'll see that he's just a Failure'-Neji thinks hoping that Naruto sees his apparently right

Fine then-Naruto says

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