Episode 41 An Evolution Battle

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Gincuba P.O.V

'After the battle with Team Rocket and Giovanni our heroes see Sasuke challenging Naruto to a battle and Naruto accepts'

So how do you want to battle Sasuke?-Naruto asks

A quick 1 on 1 is good-Sasuke said pulling out a Pokeball

Okay but why do you want to battle anyway after we just got done battling a bunch of gang members?-Naruto asked

'And that my family has alot it secrets'-Naruto thinks he still can't forget what Giovanni said

Well it's because I want to do some last minute training for my last Gym Battle-Sasuke said showing that he has 7 badges

*Naruto falls Anime Style in defeat*

Oh man I only have 6 badges-Naruto said upset that Sasuke is ahead of him

I also want to get back at you for the P-1 Grand Prix so let's start go Charmeleon-Sasuke said sending out Charmeleon

I also want to get back at you for the P-1 Grand Prix so let's start go Charmeleon-Sasuke said sending out Charmeleon

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Growl-Growlithe said ready to battle but Naruto stops him

Sorry Growlithe but I want someone else to have a shot-Naruto said pulling out a Pokeball

Squirtle I Choose You-Naruto said sending out Squirtle

Squirtle I Choose You-Naruto said sending out Squirtle

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Squirtle Squirt-Squirtle said ready to battle

Squirtle use Aqua Jet go-Naruto commanded

Squirtle Squirtle-Squirtle said using it's Aqua Jet by flying in high speed with Water as a shield

Squirtle Squirtle-Squirtle said using it's Aqua Jet by flying in high speed with Water as a shield

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