Episode 34 Fushia Performace

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Gincuba P.O.V

'After defeating Koga at the Fushia City Gym our heroes are at the Pokemon Contest in Fushia City where Sakura hopes win her 4th Ribbon'

*Sakura sees Shizune*

Hey Shizune it's you-Sakura says happy to see her again it's been a while since the Cerulean City Contest

Oh Sakuea it's been a while how are you?-Shizune asked wondering how her friend/rival is doing

I'm great how many Ribbons do you have?-Sakura asked hoping she's ahead

I have about 4-Shizune said showing them the Ribbons she got in her Ribbon Case

Which means I need one more to enter the Grand Festival-Shizune says excited for that moment

Oh I have 3 Ribbons I'm getting there myself-Sakura said showing her ribbon case

That's good and Naruto how's your Vulpix?-Shizune asked she remembers how happy and adorable Vulpix was playing with Ninetales

Oh well see for yourself Believe It-Naruto says sending Ninetales out

Oh it evolved into Ninetales-Shizune said surprised and happy to see this new Ninetales

Yup Ninetales has been a big help on my team-Naruto said proud of how strong Ninetales has become

Nine-Ninetales said rubbing it's head on Naruto's shoulder in a cute pet way

*But the Contest has begun and the performances are up*

Now our first coordinator is Shizune-Lillian said

*Shizune runs up and uses a Pokemon*

Alright Raichu let's go-Shizune said sending out Raichu

Woah she has a Raichu-Ash said surprised to see a Raichu

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Woah she has a Raichu-Ash said surprised to see a Raichu

Pika-Pikachu says wanting to battle that Raichu

Now Raichu use Quick Attack all over the contest hall-Shizune commands

Raichu Rai Rai-Raichu says running around with Quick Attack

And Shizune and Raichu starts off with Quick Attack allover the hall-Lillian says

Now use Discharge-Shizune commanded

Raichu RAI!!!!-Raichu shouts using Discharge

Raichu RAI!!!!-Raichu shouts using Discharge

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