Episode 75 Goodbye Kanto

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Gincuba P.O.V

"After a tearful goodbye from Ninetales our heroes have finally arrived to Pallet Town their home and their Journey has finally ended"

Finally we're back home-Ash says happy he's home

Yeah it was alot of fun but we got to end it someday-Naruto says

Growl-Growlithe said agreeing with Naruto

Well I better head home my parents are probably waiting for me see ya-Sakura says as she and her Vileplume heads off to her house

Yes I must be heading off too-Sai said walking away to his house

See ya.....well it's time for us to head home-Naruto said as he and Ash head back to their house

*They arrive at their house and sees Delia and Iruka in the kitchen having lunch*

Hey Mom and Iruka,Hey Aunt Delia and Iruka Sensei....

WE'RE HOME!!!!-Naruto and Ash shouted

*This shocked the both of them but Delia Immediately ran and hugs the both of them*

Oh My Little Babies are home we saw you back in the Indigo League and got excited to see you again-Delia says squeezing them hard

Ow Ow Ow Aunt Delia we're happy to see you too but your gonna break our backs-Naruto says hoping she'll let go

Oh sorry about that-Delia said letting them go

So Naruto you did great at the Indigo League-Iruka says proud of Naruto

Yup all the way to the Semi Finals Believe It-Naruto says feeling proud of himself

Yes and your a beginner at that but there's something I need to tell you-Iruka says

What's up?-Naruto asked

Professor Oak gave us a message to the both of you he wants to speak to the both of you to congratulate the two of you-Iruka explains

Seriously ALRIGHT MAYBE IT'S LIKE A BIG PARTY!!!!-Naruto shouted Immediately running out

Wait up Naruto-Ash says Immediately running after him

*Delia and Iruka runs after them*

*They all got to Professor Oak's Lab and they all see Sakura, Sai, Professor Oak, and Gary*

Hey guys it's good to see you guys again-Naruto said happy to see them

Yes Naruto and also we have all the Pokemon you've captured threw out your Kanto Journey-Professor Oak presenting his Pokemon

*They all Immediately jump on Naruto happy to see them*

Beedrill, Marowak, and Golduck it's great to see you guys again-Naruto says glad to see his Pokemon are okay

*They all have a dinner to celebrate Naruto and Ash's placements in the Indigo League but Naruto has something on his mind and asks Gary a question*

Hey Gary-Naruto called out Ash's Rival

What's up?-Gary asked

Well I've been wondering it's about those two Pokemon you used against Ash-Naruto says

You mean Scizor and Umbreon?-Gary asked

Yeah what's the deal with them I mean the Pokedex didn't know what they are-Naruto says

Yeah I've been wondering that too-Sakura says

Oh that's easy their both from Johto-Gary answered

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