Episode 3 Naruto catches a Pokemon

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Gincuba P.O.V

"We left off at Naruto and the gang in viridian forest and see a Spearow and Naruto wants to catch it"

Alright Growlithe let's catch that Spearow-Naruto said

Growlithe-growlithe said ready to battle

Spearow Spearow row-spearow said using a move

Spearow Spearow row-spearow said using a move

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*The attack hit growlithe really fast*

What the hell was that move?-naruto said surprised by this

That was Quick Attack-ash said

Oh yeah well he isn't the only one that's fast growlithe use your own quick attack-naruto said

Growlithe growl-growlithe said using quick attack

Growlithe growl-growlithe said using quick attack

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*The quick attack hit Spearow*

Spearow-spearow said in pain from the attack

Spearow Spearow row-spearow said using another attack

Spearow Spearow row-spearow said using another attack

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*The peck attack hit growlithe*

Now that was peck-sakura said

Oh yeah let's try some fire type moves growlithe use flamethrower-naruto said declaring an attack

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