I slowly walk to the dinner table to meet with this irresistible smile. My heart started to beat faster as my heels click on the marble tiles underneath.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," I took out my hand to shake with his. I force a smile to hide the crazy nervousness inside of me.

"I'm Kim Taehyung! It's nice meeting you, Ms. Y/N" he slowly shook my hand and kiss it like a gentlemen. Just like in movies. 

I took a seat in front of him and start drinking the champagne that he ordered for me, avoiding his gaze as I once again feel my heart racing. This is a bad idea from the start.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung, I'm sorry to say this but I cannot accept your offer for the collaboration. Y/N Enterprise does not need any collaboration and we are launching a new fashion line soon." I simply started the conversation, hoping that I sound like a proper CEO.

"I see. I can understand that. But I do like to give you a present though," he smiles. The smile wasn't genuine, but a facade to hide his true intentions that I cannot read.

"Yes, please tell me." I enthusiastically told him with a wide smile plastered on my face, crossing my heart and hoping that this dinner will be over soon.

"I would like to send you my top models for your new fashion line. I am just doing this as a gratitude for joining me to this dinner. And we are working in the same industries after all. We can call each others friends!" He raises his champagne cup. I raise my cup and clink with his cup, saying a quiet "cheers".

I swear, if I didn't work at Y/N Enterprise, I would be dying to work at his enterprise and date him. But since I am working for Y/N she wouldn't like the fact that I'm seeing him more than just an acquaintance. She dislikes him.

He is wearing a green tuxedo that suits his body perfectly. He unbottoned some of his dress shirt, revealing some of his man cleavage. The suit also complimented his bright face that shine under the chandelier. He runs his fingers through his dark black hair as his pink lips give a slight smirk as he realized I'm checking him out. This is so embarrassing.

"Ms. Y/N can you hear me," he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Uh..yes sure! you can send me the models!" I blushed, hating myself for staring at him. Who can blame me? He's too gorgeous. And he is so damn kind to give us the models to launch our new line, and I don't think Y/N would oppose that idea.

Time skipped----------Dinner ends

"It was nice meeting you, Y/N. Thanks for accepting my present," he slowly gestures me to stand up and walk with him to the entrance.

"You don't need to thank me, Mr. Kim. And its nice meeting you too!" I replied and quickly went home. I will completely lose myself in his beauty.

Kim Taehung POV:

I called my reliable secretary Kim Namjoon. He is like an older brother to me. He took care of me ever since I started this industry.

"Hello?" He replied after the fourth ring.

"Namjoon Hyung, I promised Y/N Enterprise to give them my top models for their new line. And I am hoping you know the models' names. Can you please send me their names and their bio so I can choose?" I asked him.

"Oh sure, but remember you have to model tomorrow at 3, Taehyung," he friendly reminds me.

"I think I am going to cancel that. I will do it the day after tomorrow because I am going to model at Y/N Enterprise tomorrow." I nonchalantly told him, imagining his surprised face on the other side.

"That is ridiculous. Why would the CEO of the V Enterprise model for another industry?" Namjoon laughed.

"Well, I had dinner with someone else today. She is not the CEO of Y/N Enterprise. So I would like to meet her. I have no idea why she cannot attend this dinner tonight and reject my offer. It is kind of rude, you know?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"How do you know that the woman you had dinner with is not the CEO?!" He asked me quickly, as I can hear him shuffling on the other line.

"I saw Ms. Y/N today at a cafe. I didn't know it was her, but the cashier asked for her name and they started talking about how great her fashion line is." I replied with ease. Hyung asked too many questions.

"Oh...why would she let someone else eat dinner with you? That's kinda rude," he replied annoyingly.

"It's okay, Hyung. I will meet her soon anyway. Bye!" I hung up quickly before he throws me another random question.

"So...I can't wait to meet you, Y/N. You cannot fool me." I quietly whisper to myself with a smile of satisfaction.


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