Love is Lawless Part 2

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Hello there! It's been a while since I uploaded. Honestly have been so busy for the longest time. Got a new job at a udon place and am in my last semester of college! So much going on, but since the holidays are coming up, I have some free time before the madness of final exams begins. I truly miss posting here so here it is! Hope you enjoy it!



"38.2 degrees," Chiaki looked at the numbers. 'This sucks.' He was currently in bed, curtains drawn, dim light in the room.

'The manuscript's done, and the first thing is catch a cold. This really, really sucks.'

"That's not the only thing that sucks." Kisa winked.

Onodera, Misaki, and Chiaki rolled their eyes. But Yukina sat staighter, his thoughts wandering about his seductive lover.

A flashback flashed on screen, where all the workers in the studio breathed a sigh of relief and stretched. A lifeless Chiaki leaning back against his chair was too tired to chime in.

"Thirty-two pages all done!"

"We're done!"

"I thought that they'd drop us for sure this time." As everyone celebrated this grand achievement, Chianki sighed deeply, his spirit threatening to escape from his body due to all the exhaustion.

The scene faded back to the present.

'I'll have to apologize to everyone once I'm better. Maybe I'll take them out to eat somewhere.' He groggily turned over onto his side. 'And then...there's Tori.' His cheeks blushed slightly more than before, and it wasn't due to his fever.

The scene flashed back quickly to when they had kissed. It quickly changed back to the present.

'Didn't Tori and Yuu start going out?'

"That is what you're concerned out?" Tori asked.

"At least he doesn't discriminate against kissing guys." Usagi eyes a certain brunette who purspously avoided his gaze.

He curled up more in bed, feeling uneasy for some reason. 'Why did he do that to me?' He remembered when he had seen his childhood friends quarlling in the rain. 'What the fuck?!' Tori had yelled.

'Maybe that was something aimed at Yuu?' Chiaki was trying to make sense of things. 'Like a substitute?'

"How do you come up with these ridicious conclusions?" Yokozawa was beginning to wonder the mental abilities of their best selling author. How he came up with amazing storylines was beyond him after seeing how his mind worked.

'Wait, what am I talking about? Is that all I mean to Tori?' He turned over again, tears welling up in his eyes now. 'And what could Yuu possibly dislike about Tori?' His voice cracked a little. 'He's pretty much the best guy out there!'

"You do realize you basically confessed your love for him?" Yuu said.

Chiaki seemed embarrassed and sad at once when he realized that it must be hard for Yuu to watch this unfold in front of him.

Yuu seemed to have read his thoughts. "Don't worry. Maybe I'll get some good material for later."

Of course this went over Chiaki's head. Everyone else realized what he had meant and looked at Tori, expecting a comeback. But the only reaction that got out of him was a sly smirk and made him pull Chiaki onto his lap.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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