Chapter 17(Paybacks a bitch!)

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(Bayley's POV)

So it's already two days after my 'drunk confession.' I feel terrible. I feel empty. I tried a few times to tell her while I'm sober but I couldn't. Because that Roman is always around. I felt sick watching them flirt, I don't know what that was but they are fucking affectionately with each other and I hate every part of it.

I hate that feeling in my chest it's fucking suffocating me like some fucking rocks on my chest. Every time I come closer to Sasha she fucking rubbed against Roman. Like what the fuck is he doing? Whenever he does that dopey smirk, she is like swooning. My smirk is way hotter and cuter than his.

As I walked to her house I saw Sasha walking through the door. I quickly jogged to her, wanting to fix this. Fix us.

"Sasha..." I said stopping a few inches from her.

"What?" She asked turning around.

"Can we talk?" I asked before rested my forearm against the door, trapping Sasha.

"Bayley, I can't... I told you to stay away." Sasha said, her words stabbing my heart like a knife.

"Sash... I know I fucked up big time but I lo-" I was ready to tell her those three words which were spinning in my head and in my heart.

"Hey Mercedes is everything alright?" Roman fucking Reigns, cut me. Where the fuck did he came from?

"Go the fuck away." I snapped looking over my shoulder. He tried to glare at me but I gave him my middle finger.

"Mercedes." Like some loyal puppy he stayed ignoring me.

"Yeah, Roman everything's fine, Bayley is done talking." Sasha said while looking at my eyes. I pulled myself from the door.

"Cool, can we go already then?" Roman asked Sasha.

"Yeah." Sasha nodded her head trying to walk past me.

"Where the hell are you two going?" I asked in her ear, blocking her way.

"Bayley." She said with a stern voice and a glare.

"When did you two even started to talk?" I asked.

"Bayley, it's not even your business anymore." Sasha tried to walk past me again but stubbornly I didn't let her.

"You're carrying my child of course it's my fucking business." I said.

"Look Martinez I don't think Mercedes needs your drama right now." Roman said stepping by my side putting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrug it off glaring at him.

"Nobody is talking with you dickhead. Why don't you leave us alone and go play with your relatives, the orcas." I spat.

"Bayley." Sasha hissed at me trying to walk past me again but I wouldn't let her.

"Okay Bayley that's enough.." Roman said stepping between us.

"Look asshole get out of my way before I cut you." I said.

I don't give a fuck if he's a nice guy or not but right now he isn't in my good books.

"Bayley you see Mercedes really doesn't want to talk with you." He said.

"Shithead take a clue and fucking leave before my fist will say hello to your ugly fucking face!" I frustrated shouted.

"Bayley Pamela Martinez." Sasha said stepping aside him, making me cringe. That's not good. She's really mad at me.

"What the hell is going on out here?" Becky asked sleepily holding open front doors.

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