Chapter 27 - The Trial of the Flash

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MacKenzie's POV

So, since Cecile added a person, they had to go through a whole bunch of legal stuff I didn't really understand, so we had a recess for about 2 hours.

Soon enough, I'm on the stand

"MacKenzie Raymond, how has the defendant Barry Allen helped you?" Cecile asks me, walking up to where I'm sitting

"You honor, I still do not understand why this girl is on the stand." Mr Lawyer speaks up

"Provides character to the defendant." Cecile states

"I've allowed it." The judge says

"How has Barry Allen helped you?" Cecile repeats her question

"He's helped me a lot." I say. "He's taken care of me ever since my brother died."

"Why did Barry take care of you? Why not your parents?" Cecile asks

"My parents died." I say. "In a car accident. A few years ago Ronnie was taken from me and I was left with no one. Barry stepped up and took the position to help raise me." I look to the jury. "He's going to adopt me." I say with a smile

Someone in the jury "aw"s and I know I struck a nerve, which is exactly what Cecile had wanted me to do

"No further questions, your honor." Cecile says, walking to her seat, knowing her plan was in motion, 'get to the emotional side of the jury and this verdict goes our way' she told me before we came in here. 

Mr Lawyer stands up and walks forwards

"Has Barry Allen been honest with you?" Mr Lawyer asks

I see Cecile watching from the corner of my eye, most probably wondering where this is going

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." I say

"Are you positive?" Mr Lawyer asks

"Objection. Asked and answered." Cecile says

"Move on." Judge tells Mr Lawyer

"Where was he Christmas night? The night of your 14th birthday? Was he celebrating with you?" Mr Lawyer asks

"No." I say

"Where was he?" Mr Lawyer asks

"He was at the loft." I say. "Something about security going off."

"Or is that what he wanted you to think." Mr Lawyer says. "You say this man, Barry Allen cares for you, but he didn't even bother to stay for your birthday like any caring person--"

"Objection!" Cecile says

"Sustained." Mr Lawyer says. He walks back to his desk where someone hands him a piece of paper. "Who was Ronnie Raymond?" He asks, coming back over to me

"He was my brother." I say

"No, he was not." Mr Lawyer says. "In fact, your mom was not your mom either."

"Objection!" Cecile tries

"I have here your birth certificate that says you were born to a Ms Joelle Quinn. Is that right?" Mr Lawyer asks, handing the form to the judge and another one to Cecile

"I don't know what you're saying." I say, my face getting hot

"I'm saying your brother wasn't your brother, you were adopted." Mr Lawyer says. "And Barry Allen has kept that from you." I look over to Barry who looks VERY confused.

"He would never." I say, tears in my eyes

"Oh really?" Mr Lawyer asks. "Requests for adoptions come with complete files that include birth certificates. Do you still think he wouldn't lie to you?"

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