Chapter 26 - The Trial of the Flash

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MacKenzie's POV

"This is exactly what Devoe wanted." Barry says after we've all gathered in the cortex. "I mean, we all played right into his plan, especially me."

"Why would Devoe want to orchestrate all of this?" Iris asks

"I don't know, but we know that this started when I was still in the Speed Force." Barry sasy

"But why target Dominic?" Joe asks

"Dominic's power must have allowed Devoe to inhabit his body." Harry says. "We should've been on top of this earlier."

"What about the other metas on the bus?" Caitlin asks. "Why create them?"

"Part of a larger plan?" Harry suggests.

"How are you even here right now, Allen?" Ralph asks. "Aren't you on house arrest?"

"Yeah, well--" Barry starts

"He's at Joe's, actually." Cisco says. "Either that or the courthouse. Mack and I managed to hack into the ankle monitor GPS."

"That's not the only thing they hacked." Iris says. "When you came out of the Speed Force, you were talking gibberish at CCPD. You said something about not wanting to kill anyone."

"I digitally scrubbed a video." Cisco says. "Last thing we want is somebody hearing something we don't want them to hear."

Cisco puts the video up on the screen

"Your Honor, I'm innocent." Barry in the video says. "I didn't do this. I didn't kill anyone."

"Yeah, I mean, I don't remember saying any of that." Barry says

"You don't?" Harry asks

"No." Barry says

"We should look at everything else he said when he first came out of the Speed Force." Harry says. "Might give us a clue."

"That's a good idea." Joe agrees

"Okay, guys, but remember, I mean, considering all the evidence they have against me, this trial is not even gonna last very long." Barry says

"Okay, but with Cecile taking a leave of absence to represent you, you got the best lawyer in town." Caitlin says

"Yeah," Barry says

"I mean, even if they did find you guilty, it's not like any prison can hold you." Cisco says

"Well, I'm not gonna run." Barry says. "I won't be a fugitive. If I'm convicted, I have to go to prison."

"We're not gonna let that happen." Joe tells Barry, nodding his head slightly towards me

"Right." Harry says. "Let's get to work."

Cisco, Caitlin, Ralph, and Harry leave

Joe starts making his way out but stops in front of Barry

"Be careful what you say in front of her." Joe tells him, looking to me and trying to be quiet -- even though I heard it

Joe leaves

"We should get to the courthouse." Barry tells Iris.

"Yeah." Iris agrees,

"How you doing?" Barry asks, going over to her

"They say the first year of marriage is always the hardest, but I never thought my husband being on trial for murder would be one of the challenges." Iris says

"We have been through so much." Barry says. "We'll get through this too."

"Will we, Barry?" Iris asks. "I know the Speed Force gave you a new outlook on life, but I don't know if being positive is enough right now."

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