Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to Everyone!

"Ow my head." Okami complains.

"Well that's what you get for drinking too much and running into a wall thinking you were bad ass like me and walk through it."

"Oh, right." she pops some aspirin into her mouth. I continue packing my clothes into the suitcases. Why? Well after the making of pancakes last night and the alcohol wore off, me and Alucard sat down and had a serious conversation. Boring right? We talked about what we should do, where to go, and what to do with Hellsing. Well we are leaving Hellsing, what's left of it, and we will be traveling the countries of Europe until we find a place to our liking. Alucard even agreed after much time me begging and persuading (Wink wink) that we can go to Romania or Transylvania or whatever.But he doesn't seem to happy bout it. Maybe i will figure it our what happened back there that makes him so cold on the subject.

"By the way Seres, Okami...What happened to you two last night? Hmm?" I didn't need to ask because I already know without looking. I can feel the embarrassment rolling off Seres.

"Damn, don't be so tense, I'm just messing with you. Anyways so are you two coming with us or going your separate ways?"

"Well we were thinking of traveling ourselves and meet up with you later on."

]"Oh where are you going?"

"'Merica!" Okami yells and picks up her bags and pulls Seres out.

"bye Dale! Bye twins! bye Dracula, you ice cream murdering vampiric asshole demon hound!" and they hall ass out as they pass Alucard. He just shakes his head.

"Well there goes our babysitters." as I rummage through the closet I come across a particular piece of fabric.

"Oh god I thought I burned this!"

"What is it?" I hold up the bloody dress...the one from that infiltration years ago.(Check chapter 16 in first book if you don't remember.) 

"I remember that" he chuckled "and I believe because of that dress it led to something very pleasant." He kisses my neck and sucks on my sweet spot. I moan and lean into his touch as his hands roam my body. He was starting to take my shirt of when

"Mama! Daddy!" Damn talk about cock block.

"What is it babies?"

"Are we leaving yet?"

"Not yet we still have to pack your toys and clothes."

"We can take our toys?!" they act surprised.

"Yes, give mommy and daddy a minute and I will pack your things." They run out of the room with smiles on theiir faces.

"They really are excited to go."

"What did you expect? I mean they hasve never been outside of England. Nor have I."

"Where would you like to start then?"

"Hmm...Let's just work our way across the map. We can start at Portugal, make or way to Spain, then France, etc. etc. And if we find a place we like so be it. The plane leaves at midnight so i beter get to packing the twins things."

"Alright. There's something I have to take care of before we leave I will be back before then I promise." he places a kiss on my forhead.

"You won't tell me what it is will you?"

"Not at this moment love, but I will return."

"Fineeee but I will bug you till the end of time until you tell me." he chucles.

"I know you will. I love you my Dale."

"I love you too my prince." he kissed me once more before dissappearing.




Did I ever mention that I hate packing? Well I do. I despise it with a passion, almost as much as i hate dresses. i never realized Alexander and Elizabeth had this much stuff! Then I felt a sharp pain in my foot. Ouch! Fuck mother goose  of ugly ducklings! That hurts! What the bloody hell was- I look down and see a lego. The spawn of the devil!!!!! Okay new plan!

"Okay we are only taking the necessities you clothes and your favorite toys only. Everything else can stay." And the legos can burn in hell. I fold their clothes and place them in the suitcases. In AJ's backpack I put his toy cars, stuff dinosaur, and firetruck. In Lizzy's I put her stuff bear, blanket, a few books, and her Lucy doll. Everything else can burn! I will throw the dress in as well with the legos. Screw everything! Especially  screw legos!

I look at my watch, Im done and its only 11:15 pm. Huh, still have time . I pile the bags by the door, Our Coffins were sent ahead of time so we just need to take the bags.Now I just have to wait. I wander what he is doing right now? Is he out killing something without me? Is he destroying property? What?! I hate waiting!

I grab some of the bags and made my way to the car. Thankfully one car was left undamaged unlike the manor due to it being in the underground garge. Told you, this basement is big! I open the trunk and swing the bags into it. I buckle in the car seats and go back to the twins. Damn still have to get them ready.

"Come on kids need to put you shoes and coats on."

"Awwww do we have to??"

"Yes you may not get cold but humans will think we are crazy letting you run around in the cold with no shoes or coat. We have to blend in."

"Finnneeeeeeeeeeee." I roll my eyes I swear they are too muc like me. I help them put thir shoes on and then coats. When done Lizzy trys exscaping.

"Oh no little girl im not done with you yet. We have to tame that hair." I grab her befre she could run away. Hair brush in hand, I gently brush her blonde curls and pull it up into a ponytail, adding a pink bow to match her outfit.

"Am I done now????" i smile and nod my head. She moved faster than a fat kid hearing the icecream van.

"Mama I'm hungry." Alexander piped up.

"Yeah me too mama." Elizabeth added.

"You two are always hungry. Let me see what i can find." I push myself off the ground and when I turn around I smack Into a Chest. Alucard stood there holding some medical blood bags. Thank God im starving!

"Yay!! Daddy's back!" Liz runs up and hugs his leg.

"I though you would be. After all we will be on a plane flying over seas for three hours and land in Lisbon." He hands Liz and Aj there packs.

"Dont make a mess you two we are leaving soon and wont have time to clean you up if you make a mess. Meaning we wont go."

"Awww but daddy!"

"No buts." He hands me mine, which I take gratefully.. i really need to take better track of when I eat.I drink my bag quickly and silently. When the twins were done  we put them in the car. Alucard went off to set the fire, leave no evidence ever. He came back seconds later and we left Hellsing and made our way to our new life, to live like a normal family. Well as normal as a family of vampires can get.

 Final Chapter. Don't cry! I may have an epilogue chapter out soon! I would like to thank everyone for there support of my books The Man in Red and The Red Man Returns! I hope you will continue to support me and my current and future books! You guys/girls make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside from your messages, comments, and votes; like a hot stack of pancakes with melting butter. Y'all make me wanna cry I love y'all so much! Thank you everyone! Me love you long time!

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