Chapter 16

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Fire seemed to be scorching my brain. So painful; it was like half of my brain was being pulled in one direction and the other half in the opposite. My parents tried to coax me to come with them, and Alucard was trying to bring me back. But my parents seemed to wavier and it wasn't my parents, but instead it was their decaying corpses sewed together being controlled by puppet strings and there puppeteer-Incognito. There were glowing purple stripes on his body and he reached out for me.

Stupid girl dont refuse us! You will obey! voices shouted

NO! I won't! i shouted in my mind and like a shattered glass, the scene broke and black oozed out of the creaks.


Dale. Please.

Please wake up.

That voice....I know that voice. It sounded like a man, a man in pain, worried evan. I tried to open my open my else anything but I couldn't. I was numb, I had no Idea what was happening. I want to see the face of the man calling me, to reassure him I am alright.

Mama wake up please we love you. Two small voices said  in union. Mama? That's right..... I have two children....But I cannot put faces to them, nor the man...

Time passes

Alucard's pov.

Two weeks have passed since I got my beloved back, but she has yet to wake. That damn Incognito, and what ever his black magic did to her.....I stared to her still form and brushed my hand onto her forehead. I glanced over to the side of her. There laid the twins, fast asleep. They are so stubborn like her they refuse to leave her side. I press a kiss to their heads and stand up its time I end this with Incognito. He wants to fight, lets fight!


Poor Master...Poor Dale.  I don't like seeing either of them like this It saddens my heart. Even the twins make me wish i could be something, they refuse to leave their mama and no longer smile. When master had sent me upstairs to fight, I had no idea Mrs. dale was in this bad of a condition. All the hellsing members killed, only a few survived. The mansion was in ruins, practically unlivable besides the basement which was untouched. Turned out the attack wasn't just ghouls, but two other chipped vampires. The male was easy enough to kill with a shot from my rifle. But the female, Silver, chose to be a bit my difficult and cunning. Luckily Master in an anger rage came up there and killed her, but not before gathering information from her. After that Master hasn't left Dale's side unless it was a matter for her. I hope she will wake up soon...

 Alexander's POV

I wake up to hearing a growl, I open my eyes and seen daddy leaving looking mad. Where is he going? I climb down mommy's bed not waking mommy or Liz. I open the door peering down the hall and follow daddy but staying far away. I hauled myself up the stairs and peaked over the top of them. I gasped, our home was destroyed uptop. It was night time so the suns rays wouldnt bother me. I climbed outside and followed dad to the woods. Wonder were we are going. I could see dad walking into a clearing so i hid behind a tree. I watched as another thing walked into there.... bald, weird eyes, and tall...ive seen him... thats right the day we came back to hellsing! At mama's old house he broke in! and daddy saved us. I took a step to help daddy kick the monster's butt but a hand grabbed my shoulder and another was placed over my mouth. Uh Oh.

So I dont know bout yall but I cant wait to  see Dracula Untold!!!!!!! Btw if you have any ideas for the next chappy please don't be shy to PM me.

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