Chapter 1

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First chapter!!! I couldnt wait to start the second book!

Names Christena Dale, but everyone calls me Dale. And I am a vampire, not only that but I work for the Hellsing organization, I'm mates with the Hellsing's lap dog Alucard, and I'm pregnant with twins. A lot has happened since Alucard rescued me 31 years ago from a blood thirsty freak. London was under attack by a undead group of Nazis, Alucard disappeared afterwards for thirty years, and now we are preparing for the birth of my children and the death of a dear friend.

Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, the head of the Hellsing organization, has fallen ill and may not have much time left. Due to her stubbornness,  she refused to be turned into a vampire and live on. Now her fragile human form is beginning to wither with her age. It makes me sad, Integra is like a sister to me and she is Alucard’s master. Its been very hard on everyone since we learned of her illness.

At this moment I was heading to Integra's room to visit. I was really bored and Alucard was sent out to deal with a ghoul problem in a small town. I waddled my way down the hall to her room and me not caring I just wnter without asking. She was sitting up in her bed reading over some paperwork.

"Dale what have I told you for the hundredth time! Knock and wait for me to answer!"

" Yeah but them we wouldn't be having this right here and that ain't fun. Besides you should know I don't listen." I smiled and carefully lowered myself onto the edge of the bed. She just shook her head before going back to her paperwork.

" Whatcha working on" I said while leaning over trying to get a glimps of the paper. But the whale like belly I have didn't let me do much bending and such.

"If you must know I'm working on my will." Really you had to say that, tears threatened to escape my eyes. I'm not a emotional person but being pregnant makes me want to cry all the fucking time.

"Don't make that face Dale, please?" she sighed.

" I'm sorry." I tilted my head back and blinked my eyes.

" There all better!" I smiled at her even though I wasn't happy. then I felt something move in my belly.

"Oh! Integra give me your hand!" I squeal and snatched her wrinkled hand and placed it on my swollen belly. " You feel that?!" I grinned.  she nodded her head and smiled.

"Seems like there getting impatient to get out. Huh guess they take after you then." she chuckled.

" Whats that suppost to mean!" I glared at her.

" Nothing but I sure hope they come out soon, I'd like to meet them."

" And you will!"

" By the way have you picked out any names?"

"Well we were talking about it and Alucard is being stubborn about it! He is set on one set of names and I don't 100% agree on them."

" So was that what the argument was I heard last night." I blushed

"You...heard that...all of it?"

" All of it." she smirked at me. Crapppppp! cuz after we argued it sorta ended in a love making senero.... My face turned deep red

"So what names are you thinking of?"

" I like Serena and Victoria. Alucard wants to name them Andersen and Vladimir if they are both boys. He is so sure they are both boys! I think they are girls!"

" Maybe they are one of each."

"Could be but we won't find out until they are born. Which could be any day now I think. I mean my back has been killing me and they have  been moving constantly,  even more than usual."

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