Chapter 5

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**Faces mob of angry readers**Puts hand in the air* Alright Alright please don't shoot me readers! I have a good explenation for why I havn't updated! Ok so i was working on a chapter right after the forth of july and on my way to camp! Well i dont have internet on my tablet unless i am connected to a wifi but i cant still use wattpad offline. So im writing and my tablet dies. the chapter was saved but my tablet will not turn on now! Ive bought a new charger and still wont! So now i have to use my desktop computer which hates my guts. So i apologize So i cant see notifications when i get them unless i scroll and scroll and scroll...and now im ranting. okay enough of that here is the chapter idk when the next one will be my idea pond is running dry y'all!

Death. It's such a traumatic event. It can bring people together or drive them apart. I stood among the crowd of mourners as integra's casket was lowered into the cold frozen earth. Forever putting her to rest. A cold breeze embraced us moving my veil around my face. For once I'm great full for the irritating fabric It hides my tears that have fallen onto my face. A roar of thunder came as hellsing soldiers shot off there guns. I look up at the sky to see the gray rain clouds matching my emotions.

Little by little the crowd decreased until I was the only one left. I walk to the dirt covered grave and fall to my knees. I grip the cold dirt in my hands as the tears flow out of my eyes. Somewhere in the middle of my break down it began to rain over the london area. But i couldnt feel it not the cold wet rain nor the near frozen dirt, i was numb.I've lost one of the only friends i have ever had.

" moron. Leaving us and at a time like this! You were my friend! My Family! I won't forgive you for leaving us alone,Do you hear me!" I yelled i don't care if she hears me or not, i dont care if im just yelling at nothing like a loonitic.I have no idea how lone i sat there on the ground but when my senses came back to me I stood up. Weighed down by my rain soaked dress I made my way out of the cemetery.

Alucard didnt attend the funeral it was to painful for him i think. Ever since the night of her death, Alucard has basically shut me out. He is never around me or the babies long and hardly says a word. And last night...I tried to get him to talk to me and e yelled at me. Said I was pestering him and to leave him alone. I hate it when he shuts me out. I feel so alone and scared....

"Welcome back Mrs. Dale." I hadn't relized I was back home until the officers at the gated greeted me. I nodded my head and continued up the pathway.

I pushed open the large manor doors and stepped inside. I stood there in the dark silent entrance as the door slowly shut itself. Alucard is probably still sleeping or he is in Integra's old office. Now you may be wondering if he is sleeping or in his office, who is keeping an eye on the twins? Well that would be our new butler, Aurther. Integra had done multiply back ground checks about a week before she past away and felt she could trust him. So he is now the Hellsing Butler. I was very hesitant in letting him watch Alexander and Elisabeth, but it wasn't like i had many options. And ive been spying on them the whole time. What can I say Im a mother, I worry about my babies.

I walk downstairs to the basement and to the nursery. Aurther was sitting there in the corner silently reading. I peered into the cribs seeing my childrens peaceful sleeping faces.I dismissed Aurther and he left without a word.He is definitly a quiet person, not like Walter was...I shake my head. No don't think of him.

I check on the twins one more time before going upstairs to where my husband is. Oh right I didn't mintion that to you guys did I? Yeah we tied the knot before the twins were born, I mean ain't like I was worried about a baby out of wedlock. But Integra would lecture him and hit him over the head until he caved. It was really funny to watching her lecture him.

I reach the office doors but was hesitant to knock on it my fist was hovering over the door before it ws pulled open by an invisible force.I stood there frozen in my place but had full veiw of the room. Alucard was sitting at Integra's desk his feet ontop of it, His head rested on his hand which was proped up by one of the armrests on the chair. And he was burning holes into my eyes by that cold,cruel, yet sexy glare of his.

"Did you lose your ability to speak?"

"Huh?" I was so lost in his gaze i didn't quie hear what he said.

"What is it you needed or do you plan on just stand there and be a nusance?" Nusance? Im a NUSANCE?! That's it i've had enough. I walk straight up to him and smack him hard across his face. His face went angry looking, but i dont care.

"What the hell is the matter with you! I have never seen you act like this towards anyone! Let alone me! Did you forget who I am?Are you going to remain a cold hearted cocky bastard! Cuz if you continue to act like this I won't tollerate it! I'm tired of this act! i understand that you miss Integra I do to. But this isn't how she would want you to be! What happened to the cocky bastard that saved me from being eatten by a vampire when i was human? What happen to that man in red who use to kiss me and told me he loved me? and stood by my side as i gave birth to our children?" Alucard's face was completly blank of emotion.I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.

"Obviously that man in red i love deeply isn't here right now. So then there's no reason for us to stay." I turned on my heels and ran out of the room.

Forgive any spelling errors no auto correct on this dinosaur or technology that seems to dislike me. Let me know what you think and ill try to reply to your comments lol. As for the next chapter release...well school starts next friday for me geting a ob sooni hope. So ill try my best to work in writing! LOVE YA ALL! and please dont shoot me xD

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