Chapter 7

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Alucard's POV

 I was sitting in my Master's old office looking over some resent freak activity on the outskirts of England. Really all this work is such a bother. I toss the papers back onto the desk and rest my head on my hand. I just closed my eyes when i felt a presence outside the door. Using my powers i opened the door and sent a glare to the person who stood there, Dale. She looked like an absolute reck, her dress was soaked and muddy and her face showed signs of crying. She stood there sand stared at me.

"What is it?" no response.

"Did you lose your ability to speak?" I asked more irritated now.

"Huh?" that time she seemed to hear me.

"What is it you needed or do you plan on just stand there and be a nuisance?" Her face quickly changed into anger. She walk straight up to me  and smack me hard across my face. How dare she! I stood up towering over her small frame before i could yell at her she started yelling at me.

"What the hell is the matter with you! I have never seen you act like this towards anyone! Let alone me! Did you forget who I am?Are you going to remain a cold hearted cocky bastard! Cuz if you continue to act like this I won't tolerate it! I'm tired of this act! i understand that you miss Integra I do to. But this isn't how she would want you to be! What happened to the cocky bastard that saved me from being eaten by a vampire when i was human? What happen to that man in red who use to kiss me and told me he loved me? and stood by my side as i gave birth to our children?" I didn't say anything and just stared at her.

"Obviously that man in red i love deeply isn't here right now. So then there's no reason for us to stay." she turned on her heels and ran out of the room.

I flop down into th chair and put my head in my hands. I could feel her and the babies leaving but couldn't bring myself to face them.

What have I done?

Dale's POV

Almost a week has past since I have left Hellsing. Those days have been nothing but bitter. I have had nightmares, the twins have grown more, and we miss Alucard. The twins may only be three weeks old but they are smart and can tell whats going on. Lat night they were laying on the floor and I was stting on the ground with my back against the wall. I started to have  mental breakdown and was crying. Somehow the twins crawled over to me and started to hug me. I was completly shocked at what they were doing, they're smart  and understand everything.

Currently we are in the kitchen. The twins are in their high chairs pounding on them demandind their food.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" they chanted over and over while banging with their tiny fist. Oh yeah forgot to say that too, they are starting to develope small vocabulary

"Alright, Alright you two! Just a minute!" I heated up their bottles and tested them before handing them over. Their greedy little hands took them and began to devour them. I myself got a blood pack out and drank it. I was cleaning up the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 2 in the morning. Who would come over at this hour? Call me paranoid but I grabbed my sword and cautiously stepped out of the kitchen. The window shutters were all closed still so no one could see in. The bell rang again, but a step of pounds on the door followed. I don't like this.. I run quietly to the kitchen and grab the twins and teleport upstairs to my room. I put my finger to my lips which the twins understood, be quiet.I listened closely for any signs that whoever it is has left or came closer. The knocking and ringing continues for five minutes before in suddenly stops.

Everything is dead silent.What the hell who was that or what was that? I got up still clenching soul render and quietly made my way downstairs. I crept up to the front door and peered out the peep hole. No one was there. I used my shadow powers to look around the property, but nothing. Okay im seriously being creeped out and im a fucking vampire! Get it together Dale! But this atmosphere is very nerve rattling.There is no telling what was out there.

Ha listen to me im sounding like a child who just saw the boogie man. Come on Dale grow a pair you idiot. I take a deep breath before going back upstairs to my babies. I decided it be good to just lay down and watch a good classic movie. Yep you guessed it. Frozen. Hey Its not scary and I love singing to it. Plus the twins like it too. So its a win win situation, plus after what happened, it could cheer us up. Ease the tension. Oh've been impaled.

We stayed up the rest of the night watching disney movies. AJ and Lizzy fell asleep with no problems. Me however, I couldn't sleep easily. The memories of my parents murder were played over in my mind.

What did you think? Creepy right i know! I would be spoked to if i was staying in my old house where my parents were brutally murdered by a bastard vampire and someone came pounding on the door at 2 am. Yep good times...... Anyway! Im stuck with writers block not wanting to give away what will happen but gotta come up with a character...So if u have any ideas for a villian message me and if i use ur idea i will post credit to you! Love you all!

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