Chapter 13

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Man am I tired. After I had agreed to help these nut cases the immediately started training me. I learned how to use my super strength, Mind control and some sort of shadow things, which is pretty bad ass. But now my head is throbbing and my muscles are sore do to the brutal training. The Doc and Incognito gave me a room in what i found to be an old building in a creepy ass swamp. That's where I am now, lying down on a bed with my eyes closed. I let out a sigh I really am confused.

I no doubt believe that i am a vampire and that Incognito is too, and this Alucard...But something just They showed me images and videos of his power and work but there is just something about that man in red. I feel drawn to him. Creep 1 and 2 say its only because he changed me and to block it out until the time comes to attack. I shiver at the thought, why do i feel uneasy about having to kill him?

Then I felt something in the back of my mind, like someone was trying to enter my head.


I clung onto my head as it met the voice and as if my mind was trying to push it away but wants to let it in. My head began to Pulsate with pain. I drop down onto the floor.

Dale. It sounded louder

"No shut up!" I squeezed my eyes shut.

Dale come back to me.

"I SAID SHUT UP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" then like a switch, the voice stopped all was quiet. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Creep 1 standing  in front of me (aka Incognito) and the Doc (Creep 2) was next to me holding some sort of syringe.

"Are you alright?"

"W-what was t-that?" I began to shake.

"He is more persistant than we thought. He is trying to take controll of your mind and convince you to go to him. This can block him out." Doc said waving the empty syringe around. He gave me a sort of smile and stood up. "We thought you may be hungry so we came to check on you good thing we did."

As on que, my stomach let out a growl. My face went bright red as i covered my beast of a belly. Creep 1 walked out and few seconds later came in holding a man by the neck.

"W-what are you doing!" I yelled.

"Your hungry. Eat." He pushed the man over to me and he fell onto the floor.

"Are you insane why would i eat a guy! Its not like im a vam-" Oh wait i am...and vampires drink blood.

" Clean up the mess when you are done."

They walked out and I could here a lock click, leaving just me and this human alone. I looked at him, he had tears in his eyes and his clothes were torn and dirty. Poor guy. I took a step towards him.

"Stay away from me!" he got up and ran to the other side of the room.

"Hey calm down I ain't going to hurt you." I held my hands up. He really is scared, his whole body is trembling, he also had this scent, maybe his cologne...I can't tell what it was but its very...alluring. I walked closer to him. Still sniffing the air, I was inches fron his face and right near his neck the scent got stronger. It smelled so delicious it was making me go willd. I could feel my fangs elongate as my tongue licked his neck, so tasty. Before I could stop myself my mouth was around his neck and my teeth were peercing his skin. The alluring substance flooded into my mouth as i gulped it down.

I didnt stop until every drop was drained from the man and he fell dead to the floor. I stabbed my hand through the corspe's chest so that he doesnt turn into a ghoul.

Short I know, but hey its an update!

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