Chapter 19

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I lay here in bed smiling. God I missed this, I cant even remember the last time we got to be alone like this let alone got to fuc- I mean err...make love...I mean- well whatever. Maybe we need a code word like....Pancakes! Yep there we go, we made pancakes. I started hearing laughter next to me. I look at my king.

"What?" he grinned at me too knowing.

"You were listening!!" I slap his bare chest.

"Couldn't help it love." he said with a thick accent. Wait I got it!

"Hey I have an idea!...Let's go to Transylvania! Or whatever the modern name is now." his smile disappeared and was replaced with a serious look.

"why would you want to go there. Its nothing but an old land filled with ruins and death. There is nothing important there.

"Sure there are things there. It's filled with history, its where you are from and it would be something new  for me and the twins. We could-"

No Dale. we are not going there." a cold glare came from him

"We can't stay here though. So where are we to go? And why do I feel like you are hiding something and that is why you don't want to go back to Transylvania" his fists clinched .. ops stupid mouth of mine always blabbering. It looks like he is about to yell at me but instead he gets up and dresses before leaving the room. Great Dale way to spoil the good mood. now he is mad at me and just  as i got him back too. Bu t what is it he is hiding i wonder? I tr to enter his mind but he is blocking me out. I sigh, now what am I going to do?

I grab the bed sheet and wrap it around me and run barefoot out the bedroom.

"Alucard!" I yell following his presence

"Come on! Please I'm sorry. I know you don't like talking about the past....Alucard!" I hold the sheet close to me as I run through the basement level. Damn why does this place have to be so big! As Im running the edge of the sheet wraps around my foot and i fall forward.I hear a crack come from my ankle. Shit! I put my arms out to support my fall and direct the impact away from my face. I land on my side on the cold stone floor.

"FUCK! FUCKING SHEET! FUCKING FLOOR! FUCKING GRAVITY! FUCK IT ALL!!" I sit up and grab my ankle. I may be a vampire but that still hurts! God damn even immortality can't stop my endless war with gracefulness

"Such foul language in a lady." I feel arms slid under my body and I'm lifted up off the ground. I look up to see Alucard holding me bridal style.

"..Thanks.." I look down and see the sheet laying on the floor. My face blushes red.Okay I know me and him have....made pancakes many times.....but its still embarrassing. My hands lightning fast attempt to cover my private areas.

"I-er..I mean.." he carries me out of the halls and back to the room. He sits me on the bed and kneels in front of me before grabbing my leg.

"You'll be fine it's already starting to heal itself." he says not looking at my before standing up and turns to leave.

"Alucard! Wait!" I jump up and grab onto his arm. He tries to pull away but I tightened my grip, he doesn't even turn his head to look at me.

"I'm sorry! Please don't leave me again! I love you and don't want to lose you. I wont ask again..just please..." my voice dies down and tears fall down my face. God damn vampiric ass hole making me cry again I could feel his muscles tense, he is angry at me. I fall to my knees, the pain in my ankle setting in.  I let go of his arm and bow my head not wanting him to see me crying. I didn't look up even when he was shuffling around. He is leaving I know he is.

"You'are truly hopeless you know that." he sighs. I feel something warm lay on my shoulders. His jacket.

"Stop crying. A woman's tears are like precious gems, no one should see them." his hand brushed my cheeks, wiping the tears. He places a kiss on my head.

"I'm sorry. I over reacted. I know you are matter how many years past i still cant talk of that place. Plus we don't have time at the moment Policegirl and the  twins are back." i sigh.

"But will you eventually tell me?"

"...Yes now cheer up and get dressed although I like this view better." I wipe my eyes and slip off his jacket. I go to the dresser and slip on a hoodie and faded jeans. As i was dressing he came behind me and grabbed my ass.


"Mama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the doors bust open and im tackled by two blurs, knocked flat to the ground.

 "I thought yall would have got rid of some of y'all's energy."

"Never mama!"

"Mama..Okami was doing something weird to Policegirl." AJ whispers loudly to me.

"I have a name its Seres Victoria!" her face was red. Well what ever it was must have been embarasing...Alucard chuckles, obviously he is invading their minds and starts glaring at Okami.

"Ey dont look at me like that... A cats gotta do what a cat gotta do!" Okami apears with a vanille icecream cone

"What happened? I want to know or do i?"

"Well...err...You see..ummm...." Seres stutters

"Spit it out!" Goes she is always so hesitant

"She is mad cuz my tail got a mind of its  do my hands...and my lips and my tongue.."

"Oh lord don't tell me-wait you did this while watching my kids!" Oh hell nah!

"Relax they didnt see anything just looked like I was holding her, against her will, in a horizontal position." she looks at Seres making eye contact while licking the vanille icecream in slowmotion and while purring. I shakec my head. Alucard grabs Okami by the back of the neck, her icecream falls to the ground.

"NOOOOO!!!!! It...was so beautiful..such cruel world. You murderer!!!! *SOB SOB SOB*"

"I thought I said not to cause trouble."

"Meow!" her tail goes in between her legs andher ears flatten and she hissews. Yep she just hissed at him. So what does Alucard do? He growls in a deep scary voice and brings out his baskerville hounds.

"Alucard dont eat the kitty she is not a chew toy or dog food. Plus you dont know where she has been."

"Good point."he sets her down and she quickly goes to Sers and trting to be sneaky, slips her tail in between Policegirl'slegs and under her skirt.

"Okami! no tail raping Seres! If you two do anything go to a different room!"

"Its not rape if she likes it." Okami wiggles her eyebrows.

"I dont!!" Seres protests

"And I dont give a flying fuck. Now act appropriate or leave! And Okami clean up your murdered icecream."

*sniff sniff* "Fine...Ill go give it a proper funeral..."* sniff sniff* she scoops it up and sluggishly walks out the room moaping. Well that went easier than expected.As the door closed behind her...


"Great now she is having a mental break down." Alucard looks at me. "Don't look at me. You caused it. You fix it and not by killing her go get her a new ice cream...and take the twins with you."


"Nope. Go. Or you will be sleeping alone." a few grumbles later.. he picked up the kids and teleported out.

" Good now let the fun  begin."

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