Chapter 6

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(Photo on side of what her house use to look like)

As I packed up my things and the twins, Alucard never showed. He really must not care anymore. He is not the same man in red that i come to adore the past 30+ years. Maybe us leaving will bring hiim back to himself so I hope. But like I said he hasn't showed his face around. Arthur help me load the bags and some boxes into the car. Now as to where I am hopefully only temperaraly going, im going to go to my parents old estate.  It may be full of bad memories but it also has good ones. the little town itsself has slowly been fixed up. Only a few people live there now, so it will be fine. I loaded the twins into their carseats. Just hoping, I turned around to face Hellsing wanting Alucard to be watching or even come running out to convince me to stay. No sign appeared that he was watching, and the manors large doors didn't budge.

"Are you sure about this Ma'am?" Arthur said.

"Yes im sure. We will be fine so don't worry." i turned away and got into the car and drove away from Alucard.

Four hours later I arrived on the outskirts or my old hometown. It was so different from the few memories i have of it. There were new businesses and houses going up, when i remember the town i see blood and fire. But that don't matter anymore its the past. I pull into the old overgrown drive way that leads to my home. Its been about forty years since someone has lived here, the house shows it too. The paint on the outside of the house was worn and chipped. The wooden porch was rough from age, shingles were missing, and the windows were covered in dirt.Looks like ill have my work cut out for me.I left the car running and got out. I slowly made my way up the porch steps, i reached my hand out to the rusty torn screen door and pulled it open, then the front door.

I was immediately hit by the smell of dust and old blood, my parents most likely, and the smell of critters. The living room was emptied of any items all the thing my parents had here were taken into the government after i was moved to the orphanage. But I'm strangely glad of that. Every piece of furniture that i remembered was laced with blood, I don't want those memories. I had the electricity and water turned on ahead of time before i left so it all should be working. Quickly i cleaned the living area and went to get the twins. I set up a play pin and placed them in it.They are always content in just laying there so i can get things done here.

I started on the kitchen. Besides the paint and dust, the room wasnt bad. The appliances were old and outdated but they work fine. I cleaned away all the grime in the kitchen and opened all the windows in the house, ridding the place of the smell. I finished cleaning the whole house just in time for the truck to pull up that carries all the furniture i bought. The men who unloaded it, you could tell they were perverts.

"So whats a beautiful lady like your self doing out here all by yourself?" one of them asked. Joys this is the last thing i some high testosterone gorillas jacking with me.

"My husband will be home shortly. Now just finish unloading the furniture and leave." asshats. So want to say that outloud And to end my statement I ave them the coldest scariest glare I could. They didn't bother me after that and did what they were told.

The sun was starting to come up just as i finish setting up the house. It looks nice once more, maybe i won't be staying here long but just in case...I havn't heard a word yet from Alucard, I havn't even felt his presence. No stop thinking about him Dale, don't get emotional about it. It's his fault. I've been patiant and understanding but i could only take iot for so long.

I fed the twins changed their diapers and put them in their pajamas. I rocked them both and sang to them a lullaby that my mother use to sing to me.(Song on the side)

Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby
Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay
And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow
Bless you with love for the road that you go

May you sail far to the far fields of fortune
With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet

May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To guard you and keep you safe from all harm
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay

May you bring love and may you bring happiness
Be loved in return to the end of your days
Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you
I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay

Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay...

When they were asleep i layed them down in their cribs that were in the same room as my bed and fell into a restless sleep.

Hey readers its kinda short but here u go! What u think like it? also if u have any idea for this book like a dramatic even please tell me.  my ideas are running out! message me if ya do! Thanks again faithful readers love y'all!

The Red man returnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora