Chapter 8

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Another week has past, with every night being the same. Every night around 2 the constant ringing and banging on the front door happens. It's getting on my fucking nerves too, so i solved one issue and broke the bell. I thought it was something dangerous but now i think its some kids fucking with my head. Aside from that everything is fine, not counting Alucard. I've tried mindlinking him a few times just to let him know we are safe but he never responds. I know he hears me though,he just ain't got the balls to respond.

As for Alexander and Elisabeth, they have grown even more they could pass off as a year old! They even are starting to walk, imagine that. Their appetites increase with their growth and they are starting to talk more. their appearance remains similar to when they were born. With pale flawless skin,crimson eyes and a tangle mess of hair. Alexander gets irritated when i mess with his wild black hair just like Alucard does. he will definitely take after his father I just hope he won't be as much as a pain as his daddy is. Elisabeth thankfully lets me mess with her hair. The blond wavy hair of hers has grown down to her waist, I don't want to cut it. We are in the living room; with AJ playing with a firetruck and Liz sitting on my lap with a doll while i brush her hair trying to tame it.

"Mama where's daddy?" Elisabeth asks while playing with her doll. I stopped brushing her hair.

"Yeah mama where is daddy?" Aj backed her up. Gees they are getting to smart.

"Daddy is working any when he is done he will be coming to get us."

"But when will that be mommy?" Aj asked and came and sat on my lap too.

"I don't know babies, but we will be fine don't you worry. Daddy loves you both and when he returns he will show just how much he adores you just like mommy does." I placed a kiss on their foreheads. "Now go play some more and then maybe mommy will tell you a story."

"No mama sing! Sing!" Elisabeth and Alexander giggled as they chanted. I couldn't help but giggle too.

"Okay okay i will sing to you. But later, mama needs to do something first so stay in here okay?"

"Okay Mama!" they sat on the floor playing and watching lady and the tramp.I got up grabbed soulrender and stepped outside.Now im not going to leave them unprotected so don't call me a bad mom. I use my shadows to guard them and make it so no one or thing can enter the house.

Ever since I woke up this morning I have had an ere feeling, something was off.I stood on the front porch steps and looked out to the horizon. The view was pretty open from the front but the back had forrest about 200 yards from the house. I walked around to the back and watched the forrest. Nothing, but suddenly I caught a whift of something on the breeze. Fresh blood and rotting flesh, its faint so its far away. Possibly the next town over...Chedder i think its called. That scent i've smelt it numerous of times, ghouls. Why is there an attack so close to where we are? I don't like it not one bit. I can't leave that far away from Aj and Liz, but those humans need help. As much as I hate it...

Okay Red listen up, I can't leave the twins but there is a ghoul attack close to us I can smell it. It's probably coming from the town of Chedder. I don't want to leave Alexander and Elisabth unprotected but those humans need help.Take care of it...And I won't kill you if you chose to come by afterwards...The twins miss you so come see them at least.

I'll take care of it.

I fell flat on my ass. Holy Shit he replied! I almost forgot what it was like to hear his voice in my head.I mean it was a short simple reply but still! It's a start. Now whether he is coming here after, that remains unanswered.

An hour passes by and the smell of the ghouls grows stonger, its closer. I'm putting myself on high alert. Nothing will get to my babies or me if they get that close. I was looking out towards the forrest when i saw it. movement. A ghoul wobbled outof the tree line and walks closer to the house. I pull out my sword and step of the porch. It came closer it was almost in striking distance for my when


I large hole appeared in the chest of the ghoul and it turned to ash. Behind it stood Alucard with his gun raised. My heart fluttered, he is here. He actually came.

"Letting them get a little too close for comfort arnt we?" he said

"Well it wasn't my job to get rid of them that was yours."I sassed back. He broke out in a cocky grin. Theirs the smile i know. Okay screw being mad at him, i missed him too much. I clear the distance and tackle him in a hug.I felt him wrap his arms around me and hold me tight.

"don't you ever leave me again." I scowled him as i press my lips to his.

"And here i come to beg for forgiveness and your the one attacking me with affection." I let go of him and stared straight at him.

"Oh your still going to be begging. That was for my own satisfaction. You ain't getting anymore until I forgive you for being an asshat and for calling me a nuisance." I cross my arms and stick my tongue out at him.

"But loveeeee" he whined.

"Nope. Now come on if your done out here the kids want to see you they are nagging my brains demanding it." I turn and  walk up the porch and open the back door with Alucard behind me. Oh im going to enjoy  sweet revenge on him but for now...

"DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" two voices scream out. Alucard barley got through the door when you see two small blurs before Alucard is tackled to the kitchen floor by Alexander and Elisabeth.The three layed on the ground laughing as they were showered in kisses and hugs.

"Okay Alexander, Elisabeth, thats enough let daddy up." as Alucard stood up a load explosion came from outside. I just grabbed the twins when the front door shredded to pieces, revieling a dark silhouette of a man.

An update four days in a row! ideas are coming backkkkk!!! Cliffhanger! Who is behind the door? Andwill Dale forgive Alucard? What will happen to the vampiric family now they are back together???will this new threat be the end of them???? To be continued......

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