"We will always be a part of each other...nothing could ever change that," he rested his hand against her cheek, swiping his thumb across her lip as his other hand moved to cup the back of her neck. His lips gently covered hers, melded against her soft supple lips, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and taking every inch of her mouth that he could get.

She moved back on the bed, pulling him with her and kissing him hungrily. Laying back on the bed she brought him down with her, moving from under him so she could straddle his waist and her hands moved up his chest underneath the shirt that was clinging to his body. Stripping him free of his shirt she left feather light kisses across his hard chest and up his neck all the way to his jaw. She heard him moan when she nibbled on the shell of his ear before soothing it with her tongue.

Elliot moved his hands up her legs to her hips, giving her a gentle squeeze before lowering his hands underneath her yoga pants, feeling the warm skin on her perfectly round backside. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her to him so he could flip them over.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as he kissed down her neck over her chest until he reached the neckline of her shirt. "We have to get this off of you," he growled, pulling his lips from her skin and finding the hem of her shirt, pulling the shirt over her head before attacking her body with his lips. He nip, licked, and sucked on every part of her breasts he could get, enjoying the moans and sounds of pleasure he was coaxing from her body.

"I need you," she moaned and her hands traveled down his back, her nails gently clawing at his skin as he hit a particular sensitive part on her breast. Her hands snaked down between them, furiously undoing his button and zipper. She pushed his jeans down over his hips until he kicked them the rest of the way off. "I never get tired of this body," she purred, running her hands over his abs and chest.

He held himself up over her with one hand and the other brushed the hair away from her face, "You're beautiful."

The weekend had Elliot and Olivia decorating the apartment for Noah's birthday party. There were different colored balloons around the apartment and a banner against the wall that read Happy Birthday Noah in bright yellow letters.

"Liv, you're really going all out," Elliot said looking around the apartment, a giant stack of presents in one corner and streamers decorating the walls.

"It is my babies first birthday and he's going to have the best party ever," Olivia replied defensively.

He sighed and he understood the need for her to make a big show for him. The party was as much for him as it was for her. Taking every moment and making sure it was as good as it could be, proving it to everyone, even herself, that she was a good mother. "Okay. What do you need me to do?"She gave him a smile ... the smile that lit up his whole world. The one where he would do absolutely anything to see it on her face. If she asked him to crawl on his hands and knees to the end of the Earth, he would.

"Could you just put out all the snacks and I'll go get Noah ready?" She asked, taping the end of the streamer to the wall.

He watched her securely fasten it to the wall before dropping her hands, rubbing them over her abdomen. He walked to her, resting one hand on her cheek and tilting her face up towards his, "I love you."

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