"Tow truck. It's here?"

"Yep. He's going to give us a ride to the hotel next to the tire shop."

It took me a minute to let that process. I was still in sleep mode and was in desperate need of coffee. "Okay, yeah. That sounds good."

Sean gave me a smile before adding, "Once we get there, we can get some food. And coffee."

I've been spending so much time together it was almost like he knew what I was thinking sometimes. It was a nice change of pace compared to me being on my own most of my life.
He opened the car door for me and I returned his smile as I got out of the car. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, milady."

We waited while the driver got the car hooked up before climbing into his big tow truck. With the three of us in the front, it was a tight squeeze. I had to lean on Sean, and if we were any closer, I would be sitting on his lap.
He must have felt my body tense, because a second later I heard his voice whispering in my ear.

"Are you okay?"

I kept my eyes straight ahead as I answered. "Yes, I'm fine." Shit, was my voice shaking?

It must have been shakier than I thought, because a second later I felt his hand stroking my arm lazily. Almost absently. Against my will, it seemed to soothe me and I found myself relaxing against him.

4:57pm San Diego, CA
Marriot Marquis San Diego Marina Hotel

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey." That deep baritone came through my hotel room door, pulling me out if my sleep like a magnet.

I dragged myself out of bed and slowly made my way to the door. After the tow truck driver dropped us off at the hotel, we both passed out in our rooms. Once I actually crawled into bed, it was like the past 24 hours finally took its toll on me.

I had no idea what time it was as I unlocked and opened my door, giving him a look that made him laugh at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked with grumpy annoyance.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He held up his set of car keys with a smile. "Car's ready. What say you to a night on the town?"

I let out a big yawn as I stretched. "Yeah, sure. Let me get dressed."

He snickered and tried to hide his smile. "Absolutely. Take your time. I'll be in my room.

I glared at him as he walked away, laughing to his room. I went straight to the bathroom to take a look at myself in the mirror.

"Ugh," I said to my reflection.

My hair looks like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket, the little bit of makeup I had on was smeared on my face, and not to mention my clothes or completely disheveled. I looked like a homeless clown that got electrocuted.

The word homeless made me wince, technically, I was homeless. Too tired to dwell on that right now, I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower.
I felt refreshed and awake after. It's amazing what a little hot water will do.

San Diego was his idea, so I was curious what he had planned tonight. Tomorrow we were going to head to San Francisco and I couldn't wait to try some of that sourdough bread.

I opened my duffle and looked at my clothes with a frown. I had no idea what he wanted to do tonight.

Grabbing the phone next to the bed, I dialed his room number.

"Hello," he answered in a sing-song voice. He was way too chipper today.

"Hey, I'm trying to decide what to wear. What are we doing tonight?"

What Ifजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें