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"Where the hell is she?" Guy's voice sent shivers down Remy's spine. Her eyes widen, fear evident in her features as she flew a few yards away from John and Kyle. The hot headed man rolled up his sleeves - she didn't even know they could even roll up her sleeves on her Green Lantern uniform.

"Let's just take it eas-"

"I will knock your two front teeth out, Torch-Bearer, and I will gladly take them all out if I have to. Just give me the girl and you wouldn't your asses handed to you." Guy threatened with clenched teeth.

Kyle flew up to Guy, putting his hand in front of him, trying to stop his advances but he knew it was futile. "Give it up, Guy."

Guy clenched his jaw, Remy could see the muscle popping out of his jaw from here. Fear enveloped her, her fists put up as John just put his arm out in front of her. She raised her brow, confused on what John was doing.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya." Guy pulled his arm back to throw one nasty punch, but Remy spoke before Kyle got his nose broken.

"I'm right here, Guy! Don't take it out on him." Remy yelled out, effectively grabbing the fiery man's attention. His eyes showed malice as he grinned wickedly.

Exhaling, Remy put her hands in front of her but John flew up in front of her and blocked Guy from reaching her.

"John, don't make me-"

"I would like to see you try." John's deep voice resonated through the halls, sending chills down everybody's spine. Remy dropped her fists, her eyes watching intensely as the two men only stared at each other. Guy's gaze was burning into John's skull, the muscle in his jaw clearly evident as his clenched fists turned paler than before.

Kyle shot Remy a look, the fear in her eyes was unmoving as her stomach dropped once Guy threw a mean right hook, causing John to fall to the ground. Remy put her fists back up, ready for Guy, but she knew she couldn't take him in a fight - Remy knew that he had held back to see what would happen when they had bet, but she knew he wouldn't hold back this time.

"John!" Kyle yelled, flying down to the human lantern. Remy's eyes widen as Guy flew in her direction, his fist pulled back as Remy tried to dodge his attacks.

John grunted, sticking his hand out as a green construct flew out towards Guy, a restraint finding its way around Guy's wrists and neck, but not before a few punches landed on Remy's body.

Remy groaned, pain engulfing her body as she tried her hardest to defend herself. Whatever happened to the shield the ring provides her? Her ring didn't do crap, expect piss her off.

Guy was restrained, yells of disagreement came from the man on the green cage that was controlled by John.

Kyle flew down to Remy, helping her up as Remy held her tongue against her new mentor or worse punishment would be carried out.

"Are we done playing? We have a green lantern stuck on a planet and in distress, we do not have time for your petty problems. Am I understood?" John spoke lowly, his eyes burning into Guy's, his voice enough to shut Remy up. Yet, Guy was persistent. His screams managed to escape from the green gag in his mouth, unwavering.

John didn't wait for a response, he started walking towards what looked like a war table. From the blankness of it, Remy guessed it was holographic. Kyle and Remy followed behind John, not daring to speak out of turn.

Remy guessed right, once all of the human lanterns reached the bleached white table, a green holographic image of a planet Remy recognized - it was in Sector 2814. She didn't know much about that specific planet, other than what 2814.1 told her about it, before she was dismissed.

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