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Remy dragged her feet to the coffee machine, her tired eyes almost missing the power button. She yawned loudly as she walked to the cabinet beside the fridge and grabbed fruit loops and grabbed a bowl.

After pouring cereal, Remy grabbed milk and added it to the mix. She put the milk back in the fridge and grabbed a spoon from the drawer. After grabbing her mug full of coffee, she took a seat at the white marble counter, savoring the silence.

She had been ignoring the files in front of her for a few days, her mind been in other places - like Oa, for one. She had been trying to get her mind off of the ring and the corps in general, but she had so many questions without answers.

Eating a spoonful of the tasteful cereal, Remy tried to not think about her new mentor - Green Lantern of Sector 2814.1. That told her nothing at all about who he was - he was the only lantern that she met and didn't learn his name. She knew she was Green Lantern of Sector 2814.3, but that's all.

She kept on thinking about how she gained all this knowledge from a ring and a really, really bright light. Her eyes wandered back to the green ring that was sitting beside the bowl where her keys sat. She probably shouldn't keep them out in the open, but she hasn't left the house in about three days.

She took a sip of the dark coffee, her tiredness started to slightly leave her body with every sip and bite. She had to stop procrastinating and start working but she didn't want to - she was mentally drained and over it.

As Remy finished her cereal and washed it, she heard a curt knock on her door. She held a groan as she flipped off the person behind the door, not even caring who it was.

Walking to the door, Remy opened the door quickly. She opened her mouth to drive them away, but immediately closing it once she saw who it was.

She raised a brow, confused on why he was here. "Kyle?"

Kyle was wearing a plain shirt with some paint marks on it and jeans as he looked up from the ground, smiling. He wore a nice watch on his wrist and a variety of different bracelets.

It seemed like Kyle never stops smiling, Remy thought.

The ecstatic young man grinned as he held a box in his hand. He waved cheerfully as Remy closed the door and unlocked the latch before opening it again.

Kyle walked into the very messy apartment, his smile never fading. He took a seat on the couch, placing the box beside him as he didn't say anything.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Remy asked tiredly, tried to hide her bra and panties from the newcomer, but she wouldn't think that Kyle would look either way.

"I wanted to check on you, how you were." Kyle replied simply, his eyes reaching back to Remy's as he just noticed her lack of attire. He chuckled nervously as he looked back down, a blush on his cheeks.

"I-I'm just gonna-"

"Give me a second." Remy went to her room for a moment, grabbing a huge sweatshirt she stole from Will and a pair of shorts. She looked in the mirror, tying her hair in a ponytail on top of her head.

Leaving her room, Remy found Kyle in the kitchen, sitting on the counter instead of on the couch where she left him.

"You seem pretty good for a person who just learned they are a green lantern." Kyle noted, taking a sip of her coffee that was getting cold on the counter alone.

Remy took a seat across from him, propping her head up with her elbows as she just stared at Kyle, the bags under her eyes clear as Kyle frowned.

"Well, I'm just as confused as I was went I got my ring, so..."

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