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The dead silence was unnerving as Remy and her mission partner (he wasn't her trainer anymore) flew by recognizable planets, like Saturn and Jupiter - which she has yet to visit, actually. 2814.1 hasn't said a single word the entire time, he hadn't even looked in her direction. He had every right to be angry at her, but this was going a little too far.

This was their third consecutive mission together, and the only time he would speak to her was when he had to call an enemy out or to warn her if there was an enemy coming. Other than that, 2814.1 didn't speak to her unless it was absolutely necessary.

After passing Saturn, Remy couldn't handle the silence anymore.

"Look, I don't know what to say-"

"How about, 'hey, I'm shouldn't bet my trainer for something as trivial as my name!" 2814.1 finally spoke. He was just as angry as he was the last three missions.

"If it is so trivial, then why don't you tell me what it is!" Remy yelled back. This is the first time Remy has ever talked back to 2814.1, ever. Yeah, she did playfully talk back to him when they taunted each other, but other than that, she had never ever raised her voice at him.

2814.1 completely stopped flying. He turned to Remy, seriousiness engulfed his features as he looked ready to kill somebody. Remy swallowed nervously as she stopped a few yards away from him.

The dreadful silence made Remy's stomach churn as she waited for him to speak. To say anything at all.

2814.1's dull eyes was boring into Remy's own as he exhaled loudly.

"You're dismissed; you and Guy can go on missions together - I'm done."

Remy's heart dropped. She shouldn't have talked back in the first place, he was already livid all because of her, but she didn't expect that. 2814.1 never looked or sounded as serious as he did in the moment, and it scared Remy.


"Stop. Okay, just stop. I don't want your apologies, I don't want to hear it. 'Cause in the end, I'm not the one who is going to take crap for you every single time you fuck up. You're not my problem anymore. You're dismissed." The words tasted like acid as they left his mouth, but the damage was already done. 2814.1 has been seeing red ever since the fight with Guy and he just blew up.

He looked at her, tears welling up in her eyes as she turned away. Remy flew back to the bright green planet without saying a word. The green streak she left behind was the reminder that Hal had to deal with.

He winced, pain starting to form in his chest as his conscience didn't wait before it started to blame him for everything that has happened. It was his fault she bet his name in the first place, he should have told her everything from the beginning, and this wouldn't have happened.

It's too late, she hates you and you are going to act like everything is fine back at Coast City.

Huffing, Hal continued his flight to Ungara. It has been years since he had visited Ungara, the home planet of Abin Sur. Hal and the Ungarans didn't exactly meet on good terms. They believed that he was the renegade Green Lantern, Sinestro. Once explaining that he wasn't the one who killed Abin Sur and wasn't on Green Lantern's Public Enemy Number One, the people helped him.

He flew into the blue-ish planet, landing amongst the wilds of the landscape. He started looking for anybody, but found nobody. Curious, Hal flew towards what seemed like a heavily populated city, but found nobody.

Once he flew onto the streets of the town, he understood. Bodies littered the streets, blood stained the buildings and posters covered the walls. It had a picture of a person with reddish person with his fist in the air and words written underneath it.

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