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Remy sat in her bed, her bed sheets messy and her phone across the bed. Her hands were running through her hair as she was on edge. She looked over to her alarm clock, and it read 5:03AM. She swallowed, closing her eyes as her heart pounded in her chest.

Anxiety had been pounding in her veins for hours, she hasn't got a wink of sleep and she doesn't have a single clue why. Remy had been debating if she should call somebody or text somebody, but what would she say?

"Hey, I haven't slept in hours, my heart is literally jumping out of my chest and I don't know why. This is my third anxiety attack in a week and I haven't been to work in about a week, but how is your morning?"

That is called dumping your problems onto somebody else.

She clenched her jaw, seeing her phone screen light up once again. She was fighting a battle within herself, wanted to tell somebody, anybody, she had been bottling up these problems for far too long but she hasn't told anybody other than Marty and Brady. She hasn't talked to her brothers for a while and she was debating if she should call Brady or not.

Brady used to have similar problems and he would come to Remy and he would tell her everything. She used to comfort him in his time of need, and he would do the same.

Then there was the glowing green ring right next to her phone. It would blink rapidly whenever somebody would message her or require her presence. Remy knew for a fact that Guy was going to murder her the second she went to Oa.

She watched the blinking light, ever persisting as it blinked. She threw her covers over the ring, but the light went through it anyway. Remy tore her eyes away from the light to cover her face with her hands. She wanted to cry, she wanted to just lay down and not think about her responsibilities and her duties for one minute, but it was like the light - it persisted in her mind.

Goddamn Green Lanterns.

Her life was semi-normal before they entered her life. The guardians and the lanterns made her life hell, but she can't really remember a time without the Lanterns. But they have ruined everything. She doesn't work like she used to, her best friend took drugs because she wasn't there for her, when she needed her.

Why should she be apart of them? They haven't done anything for her, they have beaten, they have bruisen and they had taken her will. And for what? To be a perfect little soldier for a sector that doesn't even want her! To people who don't want her!

She should have rejected the ring. She should have rejected the entire Corps.

The only thing Remy had done was screw up. She screwed it up with her own mentor. Her own mentor even told her that she fucks up and he couldn't wait for her to leave him.

Remy didn't even notice the tears streaming down her face until the tears dripped onto her hand and her sheets started to damp. She wiped her tears, silently sobbing as she dropped her head into her hands.

After moments of silent tears being shed, she finally decided that the annoying blinking light was enough.

She grabbed the green ring, slipping it on her finger and a hologram of Guy immediately popped up. Remy huffed, preparing herself for so many lectures.

"23 new messages from Lantern Guy. Shall I start at the beginning?" The ring had a little condescending voice, like it knew that she was going to get her ear chewed off by Guy.

"No. Skip all messages from Guy Gardner." Remy was probably going to regret that, but she didn't need the headache right now.

"3 messages from Lantern Kyle, 1 message from Lantern John-"

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